Outdoor pest... what is this?

I think it’s some sort of pest. What is this? I live in Southern Ontario, Canada… A couple hours north of Buffalo/Niagara Falls. I’ve been pruning off leaves that show this problem all season long but it’s only getting worse or continuing to show on all my nice new growth.


I’ve seen something similar on a few leaves of my outdoor plants but haven’t investigated any further. Maybe have a look with a microscope and see if anything’s crawling around on them.


Ya I’ve found little tiny caterpillars and I’ve also found TINY black bugs and tiny white bugs…

I actually had those tiny caterpillars like make some sort of cacoon inside bud sites a couple times so i squished those little free loading thieves.

I don’t know know if i would want to spray anything on my plants to deter pests… you use anything beacher?


Its all over my outside plants, starts off as black dots, and then just gets lighter until there are holes through the leaf, I think its some kind of juice sucking insect.


No I’m pretty casual with my outdoor stuff, I figure theres no way to prevent things from getting at them.

If I were to spray them I’d probably start with neem oil, it’s cheap, pretty mild and kills a large variety of stuff. Also pretty much non toxic, but I wouldn’t spray it on developed buds personally


Get some live ladybugs from home depot, Costco etc and release them in and around your plants.


I really hope it’s not a russet mite attack:



I believe it to be some sort of mites attacking the plant. If you zip out tomorrow and go to your local hydro shop. Grab yourself some neem oil, mix it with miticide and spray the hell outta them you should be good for harvest. Go hard on it because you will only get one treatment in before your plants really start to flower. Time is of the essence :v:


it’s leafhoppers or at least that’s what we call them. i get them every year . it looks bad but never really caused a problem for me.they are about 1\4 - 1\2 inch long and can be green or red or both
or other colors as well.i’ve got alot of chewed leaves on mine. if you look close you’ll see the little
buggers but they are fast.sometimes i can catch them.in the end they only hurt the big fans and don’t seem to affect the final product. hope this helps.


That looks like thrip damage to me.
@Shadey, the ‘black dots’ are frass; aka bug poop. Thrips are rasping/sucking type insects. Spinosad is an effective control.


No it’s worse than thrips damage, I had thrips in my clone cab last week, as trippy said, I see leaf hoppers on them all the time, and tiny caterpillars that have a similar pattern as a brown python snake.

I thought the leaf hoppers were chewing the leaf edges, but could be making these holes. The caterpillars are always on the buds, I think they like eating the pistils.


A swing and a miss on my part.

Two 8" bricks applied to caterpillars is deadly. Just be sure to watch your thumbs.


Leafhoppers, without a doubt! Trippy Hippy knows things! Use spinosad in every stage of plant growth to kill them. Never use oils in flower! On a scale of 1-10 leafhoppers are about a 3


Leaf hopper pic! Some of the characteristics of leaf hoppers is the high tented wing pattern ^ (inverted v pattern) on the body they come in many different colors combinations but have very similar body structure! Hard to get close to they jump /fly when bothered!


Righty o! Sometimes found on top of a few leaves at night or under the leaves hanging out looking up from the leaf edge. Mostly found on the upper half of the plant sitting vertical on the stems (day n night). They hop, fly and run sideways around the stem to the back of the stem out of view. I use two hands and four fingers that I encompass the stem from all sides, pinching them and quickly give them a squeeze. They are a funny insect!


Thanks for all the advice! I believe i did find one of those evasive little bugs it looked white/translucent.


You may want to try SNS products, safe, Organic and, works!!! Visit their website, click on Free Sample. I got samples of ALL FIVE lines of products, You only pay Shipping, in my case $20.00. I got two of my neighbors to do the same. For $60, I got enough for 2 grow seasons. I spray their SNS 209 and SNS 217 once per week. In truth, I haven’t had any mites, thrips, or anything…and it’s been rainy of late here in Maine. Just a suggestion.


Safers spinoside is the one I’d use, never had it let me down one bit


I have my eye on those folks. The freebie deal is crazy good. Have you noticed any burning? Rosemary and systemic is what caught my eye. Now where to get 20 bucks? I guess I’ll have to sell my body?!? lol

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Regarding the burning,not really. I PH everything to 6.4/6.5. My city’s water is High, so I have to make adjustments all the time. TOTALLY satisfied, Bro,haven’t seen anything this grow (outside on my deck/20+ plants)!!

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