Help with outdoor bug ID

It has been awhile since I’ve done an outdoor grow, the rain and fog of our New England autumn is mold-friendly and there always seem to be a posse of insect pests that show up to attack as the buds ripen. This season I have two mother plants in large pots out on the deck and I’m watching them carefully for early signs that they are under attack.

A close inspection yesterday revealed two bugs I’ve never seen before and I wonder if any of our OG experts can identify them and suggest treatments that can head off any problems.

Thanks in advance for any help,
-Grouchy :green_heart: :v:

This beetle is about a centimeter long

This guy is about 3 millimeters long


type of Leafhopper,they’re sap suckers…but from what i’ve seen,they don’t really cause any notable damage on my plants,but if there were lots of them,i might get worried


Agree, hope you don’t find more of them… :sweat_smile:


Thanks @George & @killabud,

I was in a hurry this morning and posted the same pic twice by mistake. If you get a chance check the post again for the second bug…

I checked the entire plants very carefully and only found two each of those bugs yesterday and no new ones today.

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that sort of looks like it could be a young stink bug,not 100 percent on that though


Also agree … Arriba|nullxnull


Good call.


Leafhoppers can transmit a virus that was originally spotted in the upper midwest. Around here we call it the “black death” as it will turn bud sites into dark black/purple with stunted bud growth. I have experienced it on some plants the last 3 years in MA. This year I was more aggressive with spraying insecticidal soap and have not seen any yet but be aware. Somewhere here on OG there was a discussion about it… maybe it was RIU…


You shoulda seen this somewhere before! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Funny you should say that @blowdout2269, once I knew what they were, that GWE article was my very next stop! LoL

I haven’t seen any new bugs, but I’m ready for them now if they show up.


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