Unwanted visitor 🐜 (SOLVED)

Anyone can please confirm if this is a flea beetle? icon_e_surprised|nullxnull Thanks … beer3|nullxnull


Sure is ugly.
:seedling: :green_heart: :four_leaf_clover:


MOST Flea Beetles are Black, appearing almost a shiny-bluish pigment. Looks like a Green Aphid to these old eyes. I’m sure others will properly identify the culprit. Success in getting rid of the bugger. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


I can’t like a pest… but the desire is hard to resist.

I have no idea, hope you figure it out. I’ll be watching for your answer.

Thanks, could be, although at least from what I recorded having them in the past they don’t have that big head icon_e_confused|nullxnull


Are these outdoor grows


Good question, it’s indoors, some seedlings in my living room, so I suspect they came in the Biobizz Light Mix soil :sweat:.


Its head looks more like a grass hoppers head than a flea beetle.


Thanks, but he looks more “fatty”, not a long shaoed body … icon_e_confused|nullxnull


Made me think Katydid. I can’t stand those biting jerks.

It doesn’t have the legs though.


Whatever it is it’s eating the leaves, so it needs squishing :imp:

I thought it was Calcium deficiency until Upstate pointed me to the possible flea beetles … :sunglasses:

It does look like a cal or mag issue.

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It happened first only in one plant, added some CalMag but instead of being solved it spread to the rest :sweat:, one never knows, found this beetle, looks like? :sunglasses:


That looks like a flea beetle :+1:


That’s crazy,my first grow I used miracle grow lol was new to the game watched a couple of YouTube vids they were using it,got so many thrips from that bag of soil,
I wrote to miracle grow telling them how bad their soil was they offered
To replace it lol,after that I changed it ocean forest,then that shit got to expensive changed to black gold


Same here.used the miracle grow organic and it was just a bag of bugs. Switched to ffof and fflw mixed for a few years until that started coming buggy, switched to roots and haven’t had a bug problem from my soil since then. I really want to try the coast of Maine soil, I love their lobster compost.

Oh, many years before one of my buddies had grown a big beautiful plant in a bag of miracle grow soil with no added amendments. It got stolen right as the hairs were turning orange. It had been out in the woods behind his auto body shop in a 5 gallon bucket we spray painted “camouflage”. Goodness I miss being 21 sometimes.


There’s a lot of people use miracle grow,they say to flush for 2 weeks with ph water before harvest,after the thrips that freaked me out lol

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I mean, I’ve used it in gardens for decades, its just not balanced right to get your full potential out of cannabis I do believe. But yeah, that plant that was grown in it was big and beautiful, I always wondered how it would have smoked.

flea beetles give the “shotgun” look to the plant by chewing all these tiny round holes. I kill em with my favorite BTK…but that’s not a flea beetle, they jump away when disturbed, thus the name “flea”. I got them on the potatoes and tomatoes in the past. They love nightshade.

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