Bug identification

They are actually attracted to the CO2 you are expelling………


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Some varieties of these invaders are also capable of biting. They feed off of warm-blooded creatures :see_no_evil:

That’s strictly confidential icon8|nullxnull, I had to connect myself through a USA VPN to be able to read it … :sweat:

Boy, this thread took a pivot! Do we all agree it’s fungus gnats!!?

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Gnats for sure!

:green_heart: :seedling:

Anyone have experience with rove beetles? Do they knock them out fast?

Yes use rove beetles, strateolealapse scimitus mites, and steinernema feltiae nematodes in my beds and haven’t seen a gnat in over a year (knock on wood).


I’ll see the occasional gnat when I don’t let my pots dry out. Let them get bone dry, ruin their environment and poof they’re gone :+1:

Assuming that’s what we’re talking about.

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Im in sip’s so it’s a bit different. But my plants are looking rough man. Oof.

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