Pests and bugs


Welcome to OG beer3|nullxnull, looks like an aphid … icon_e_confused|nullxnull


I agree. Aphids.

If you can get something with azadirachtin in it, you could knock them out in a few days. You have to spray it on before it flowers though.

Welcome to Overgrow!


Here’s a solution:

If ya wanna do a little light reading.


and aphids never travel alone. A soap spray will kill aphid on contact, but there is no residual action. It only works when wet. There are plenty of “homemade soap spray recipes for aphids”.

I believe uve helped me successfully in the past and seem to be an expert on iding bug and solutions. Any help please and thanks

Thanks for your kind words, if they are similar to these:

they are fungus gnats, sticky traps are useful, you should look for some dryness in your pot soi,l watering from below if possible and even putting a sand layer to difficult their access … beer3|nullxnull

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