Bug problem!!!

What are they? How to get rid them.


Alright I’m going to have nightmares tonight. That’s some infestation! Assuming it’s fungus gnats (can’t see well)
Microbe-Lift BMC, couple drops per gallon (shake well), use it every time you water your soil, forever :+1:

They look kind of big for gnats though so wait for other suggestions.


Yikes! I’m with Gonzo. Thinking gnats, but look quite large. Got any better pictures?

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Get this:

Fill a 5 gallon bucket with water put in a dunk and let it float in the water for at least overnight. Use this water to water your plants via the soil. This will kill all the larvae of the gnats in your soil. Keep using the water and the sticky tape to kill the flying adults. This will take a couple of weeks to get rid of them but does work well. This won’t harm your plants or you. In a week you will see a large reduction in the amount on the sticky tapes.


Man just get a usual house and plants fly killer spray and spray 2 days in a row, you still have time until harvest to those wear out but you should find where they come from or consider an intake filter.


You indoor guys just don’t know how easy you got it! :rofl:

But, is it Art???

Trapping gives you the heads-up days before the problem is reck-o-gnizable…and it does a remarkably good job of reducing the problem to manageable levels pretty quickly. Yellow colors and round shapes are the best attractants. Packs of 60 double-sided sheets at 4"x6" cost me $2.84.



Thanks for all the input and suggestions,really appreciated, was going to try a hydrogen peroxide mix,

Mosquito Dunks work but you have to let them soak for hours. It is the cheapest option though ($10).

Microbe-Lift BMC is a liquid you apply & use instantly… same active ingredient but no soaking for hours If you don’t like waiting, go with Microbe-Lift, 2 drops, shake, apply! It’s $20 on Amazon, treat yoself!

I’ve had luck with mosquito bits, only need a half hour to soak.


I pour bits into my medium as I mix at times. The dunk’s I leave one in my water can.
A can of Tangle Trap, and you can make trash cardboard be sticky traps.
Layer of sand on top of the medium works, and dry sheets worked well also, I just hate the stink of those awful things.
Best of luck.

I’ve used spinosad a couple times now with good results, but only on non flowering plants. I mix it per the instructions, spray down the leaves and then use the rest to drench the soil. I got rid of leaf miners in an outdoor plant, and also got rid of bugs similar to what you have , if those are larger than gnats… that came out of my worm castings. That just took one application and within a few days they were all gone.
The dunks work for fungus gnats for sure, I have used them successfully too. And I actually used a quarter dunk after my last spinosad treatment in a 5 gallon bucket now that I remember.

Those look like coffin flies… do you use organics or blood meal/fish meal? Attracts them like crazy… they feed on dead stuff… they can be quite dangerous to your pets, as they will lay eggs in their ears/nose or on any open sores…it’s gross…
OMO the sticky traps plus a good insect soak in the soil— maybe SAFER 3-in-1 ?


I would like to add on the Mosquito bits and dunks and whatever medium or vehicle you are using containing BTI that what ever water that is treated with Dunks be used separately from Water containing Nutes and used on waterings in between feedings.The Dunks won’t work quite as good and you will get a reinfestation fast.Just went through this.I Set a couple dunks in 5 gallon bucket of plainwater and let it sit a couple days I take that and water in between now no was clear in 3 weeks


By keeping your top soil dry.
What I would recommend is, provided your tent bottom is waterproof, to pour water into the tent and let the fabric pots soak up water from the bottom.

You can also get trays that are a bit bigger than your pots and pour the water in there.

Meanwhile LITFA, do not give any water until your plants are slowing down or drooping.

The mosquito bits didn’t work for me, and it’s only a plaster on the wound.
The gnats are gonna keep coming back, and you’ll have to keep buying the mosquito bits, unless you change your approach, which is cheaper and long lasting.

So, bottom watering.

I see you’re in quite big pots. I’d recommend the stacked pot method, once these plants are harvested.

You can keep going this way for the rest of your life without ever lifting or moving your pots. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Look into companion plants too, they make the soil more robust, activating a wider spectrum of fungi and bacteria, and everything balances itself out more.
And when a little imbalance occurs and aphids pop up for example, then the companion plants
(field vetch for example) may lure them away from your cannabis.

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Looks like pantry/grain Months to me. We have them and I always have moth traps. They get into the nuts and bird food I have.