Bugs what are they?

I found all these around my the fabric pot what are they


Hard to see but they look like some sort of mite. Can you get a closeup. They may not be the bad mites, per se.


That’s as close as I could get it zoomed in since I dont have a magnifying glass

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Could be Root aphids can you see them with your eye or are you using a Mag Loop?
Need a better pic for sure

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If they are aphids, you will see two little “tail pipes” sticking out the ass end. They look more like decomposing mites to me, but it’s hard to tell from the picture. :v:


I can see them with my eyes crawling,

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Do they hop?

29 characters…hop hop

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I would say mealybugs

whiteflies, spider mites , mealybugs. common white bugs

Nah they just crawl and bundle up together. They like to be on top of the soil but I recently top dressed it and they moved outside

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Almost looks like aphids when you zoom in on them.

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They apear to be either white mites or aphids.
I see six legs and two antennae, looks like white aphids. There is even a asain wooley aphid infesting the southern portion of the usa atm


White mites feed on mold and decaying material
This Is a close up of one


It’s hard to look at something that small but if they apear more flat and spider like they are prob mites if they seem to stand up a little more like a microscopic grasshopper then prob aphids. The white mites are attracted to grain so if you put a slightly damp bag of grain near by and they move to it theres your answer.
Here is a picture of the aphid


Root aphid:

Soil mites:


Damn good look to the OP. Those things suck. I heard Suffoil x works on aphids. Not sure about a root drench.