What is this insect?

Unfortunately I found these, anyone knows what they are? It’s the best picture I could take.


I am not 100% but it looks like an aphid to me .



Trust me! I was about to burn everything down lool.

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Don’t worry, looks like a soil mite … beer3|nullxnull

" Soil Mites are completely harmless to both indoor and outdoor plants , feeding only off the compost’s properties and avoiding the plant’s healthy tissue."

soil mita


That soil mite doesn’t seem to have the antenna that his picture does . I am gonna go look for an aphid on my OD plants brb


I once was confused, they are not antennas but front legs … icon_e_surprised|nullxnull

Cagptura Captura


Looking at the pictures of aphids I just took I do agree they are soil mites . So hooray for the OP
Easiest way to tell is look for any on the actual plant. If they are in the usual aphid spots on the plants then I would guess they are not soil mites.

These are aphids . The base of fan blades on the under side of leaves and along the stalks are the main places they can be found .


Soil mites normally stay in the soil, aphids infest the plant, that’s a good way to difference them … beer3|nullxnull


Yes they were only chilling on the soil, so soil mites it is. Thanks a lot @George and @anon60559124 :pray:


It is 100% a soil mite. Nothing to worry about and absolutely nothing to get out any pesticides for.


Have you had those identified, or do you know what kind of aphid that is? Pretty hard to tell from the picture, but cannabis aphids have been spreading like wildfire, and they can be a pita to get rid of. Positive vibes they’re another species.


I have not identified the exact type it is . I did have an infestation of them indoors a couple years ago thanks to my dumb ass bringing them in on the cuts from my outdoors plants that year. I eventually won the battle indoors . There always seem to be some on my outdoor plants but never seem to do much damage , especially compared to out of control indoors lol I swear I was seeing those sobs in my dreams .
I have 27 various fruit trees in my yard and at least one of those is heavily infesteed each year.

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Dude, I have cannabis aphid ptsd. Seriously, those things multiply like nothing I have ever seen before. They are born pregnant. I took pictures and sent them to an entomologist to verify they were indeed phorodon cannabis. They will coat the stems until you can’t even see stem in no time. They will eat neem for breakfast. Glad you got rid of the indoor infestation. Positive vibes on the outdoor.

This is the abdomen of a cannbis aphid. The red spots are the eyes of the unborn. Freaking creepy.


LOL you are not alone .
They literally went from me noticing a few one day , to me seeing them EVERYWHERE on my plants within a few days.
I am a big fan of neem as part of an IPM but ya once established they laugh at your neem lol
I don’t even know how much time I spent with each plant in the shower and spraying it off with water and dish soap in my pump sprayer. I ended up buying some type of nematodes that were specific predators of them along with a ton of lady bugs. The nematodes or whatever they were was a complete waste of time and I thought the lady bugs were too . Until they successfully reproduced and their larvae showed up. Those little guys eat an insane amount of aphids compared to the adults.
Here is a picture of the lady bug houses I made for each tent . I drilled holes in it so they could come and go. The sponge is for water for them and the raisins they will eat apparently.


Haha! Yeah, those larvae will go to town! They weren’t enough to kill them in the greenhouses, but they did keep the populations in check for a while. Green lacewings and parasitoids also work very well (the lacewing larvae eat like ladybugs) If you are not in flower, pyrethrin will decimate them. I can’t imagine nematodes would do anything, and I’m really surprised anyone would say there are nematodes specifically for this type of aphid. I could be wrong, but I can’t even imagine how that would work. Good luck on getting rid of those things! :v:


aphids are the main meaL for ladybugs


Ya I have no idea why I was thinking nematodes lmao It was these Aphidoletes .

I don’t have anything to get rid of . I already have my clean cuts from my OD plants which is the only reason I have OD plants because they don’t get to finish here and I shut down for the summers.

I sure wish they did get to finish though lol


They look gorgeous! :+1:


Where is THIS insect? :bug: ?


Is this my eye exam? :rofl: :eyeglasses:

I see a hair, but no bugs or buds.

:evergreen_tree: :lizard: RIP Stacy Keach :hugs: :herb:

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