or other Pre Made Mixes šŸ¤”?

Yeah coot is the one when it comes to organics plus he grows weed too so heā€™s one of us. Also go to thatā€™s his website his recipe is on there.


This may help.


Sorry I didnt read the ā€œpre -mixedā€ bit.

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I remember sub cools also.

Man there are so many choices it sucks. And Iā€™m really gonna have to do some reading on all the amendments that get added to these thingsā€¦ and then decide which mix is best.

I might just try coots mix to begin with. It has everything you need already? Just add water?

Adding ewc/molasses tea is a great thing though correct? Helps keep the soil ā€œaliveā€?

Side questionā€¦ difference between ewc vs compost? I see both being used in coots. That cow buu compost on buildasoil looks very high quality.


Yea coots has everything (base nutrients) just add water. You can add anything to his mix. I use malted barely, yucca to get the peat wet. Thatā€™s the thing about peat itā€™s a bitch to get wet. How people use more than 30% in their mix is beyond my understanding. Yeah molasses, aloe, coconut water damn near anything in coots mix.

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I can vouch for the Buā€™s compost from Malibu compost, very good quality, Iā€™m running their Baby Buā€™s potting soil ā€¦with a little extra aeration, I use their compost for tea.


Sweet I think Iā€™ll give it a try on my first run then.

I actually found a coots mix on their site also. Damn is this stuff expensive lol. But I think it should be worth it.

I think Iā€™m settled on what to do now guys. Thanks so much :sunglasses::pray:!


@CARE_giver Iā€™m going to start using this modified Coots mix the Nube grows in you can see the recipe here

Check out Nubes grows his plants are beautiful :seedling:

Happy vibes for your garden :+1:


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Kisorganic s has a water ONLY soil in bags and you buy their nutrient pack to amend with canā€™t get an easier than that, kisorganics is build a soils top competitor. They are well known as well. Good luck.:+1:t2:

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Hereā€™s a tid bit for the soil builders

2.9 ~ Cultivating for Cannabinoids
According to a United Nations study, 5 factors are necessary for the ā€œcultivation of Cannabis for a high resin productionā€: (1) genotype, (2) photoperiod, (3) N-P-K, (4) at least 60-80 cm separation between plants, and (5) ā€œoptimal temperature of the ground at the time of sowingā€. Resin production is minimal at 44o F (See also 2.5 and 2.10).
The production of cannabinoids (THC, CBN, CBD, etc.) is greatly influenced by nutrients. As soil N increases relative to Mg, CBD increases relative to CBN. Increasingthe ratio of N to Cu increases the level of CBD. Increasing amounts of P convert CBN to THC. Low to medium levels of P produces a high level of CBD, but CBD decreases with high levels of P. Low levels (levels less than 40 ppm) of Mg produce more CBD than do high levels of Mg. As levels of Mg increase relative to Ca, the concentration of THC decreases. The concentration of Mg and Fe in leaves is positively correlated to THC levels. Potassium increases the concentration of CBN by effecting the dehydrogenation of THC. An excess of K in the 3rd month will inhibit resin production. Excess Ca will inhibit resin production, and it increases the production of CBD in the resin is produced. Either an excess or deficiency of Mg produces more CBD. 5 ppm Fe gives highest yields of THC.
The recommended ā€œidealā€ pattern of nutrient application for cannabinoid production is said to be: high N and K, low Ca, and medium Mg during the first 2 months of growth, continued high N and K, medium Mg, and increased Ca during the next 6-8 weeks, followed by decreased N, K, and Ca, and increased Mg through the flowering phase. Many growers use a commercial 15-30-30 formula throughout the season.
Mel Frank offers this micronutrient formula for high cannabinoid production: Fe-sulfate (5 mg/gal), Cu-sulfate (0.2 mg/gal), Mn-sulfate (2 mg/gal), Zn-sulfate (0.2 mg/gal), Boric acid (2 mg/gal), Molybdenic acid (0.1 mg/gal). Use 1 tspn/gal of nutrient solution, once monthly.
Bill Drake gives this recipe in Marijuana: The Cultivatorā€™s Handbook: Ca-sulfate (6 oz), mono-Ca-phosphate (4 oz), Mg-sulfate (6 oz), K-nitrate (8 oz), and Fe-sulfate (1 gr). Use 1 tspn/gal.
Many marijuana growers reportedly use a commercial 15-30-30 NPK mixture successfully throughout the growing season.

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Iā€™m perpetually hung up on Three Little Birds mix I got off Icmag back in 05. Super easy and inexpensive and I feel good that stuff can be added as needed with a slurry feeding or top dress.
1 cf compost
1cf maure compost
2cf peat
20% perlite
1/2 cup per cf blood meal
1cups per cf bone meal
1cup per cf kelp
Guanos for veg
guanos for flower
Mix and go. Keep using, Add more over time and water with what keeps the girls happy.
Oh I forgot the wormsā€¦I got to have a worm bin for V.C.Add 20% vc 3 times a year. It usually cost about $150 for a batch, ammended and ready to use for a number of cycles,then its fed to the worms and used again.
Ainā€™t nature grand?


i have a 4x4 bed filled w/ a mix of light and 3.0. I was able to find it locally so I didnā€™t have to pay shipping, and hopefully Iā€™m only ever buying soil one time and can use it for dozens of cycles.

I think at the minimum you would want soil and craft blend. Then possibly some worm castings or compost to top dress with sometimes. If you donā€™t plan to grow cover crop, an N source like soy bean aminos or fish hydrolysate will come in handy. So, you really donā€™t need much!


I just bought a bag for my veggies! How do you use it for your medicinal plants?

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Iā€™m using BAS 3.0 right now and have no complaints. Iā€™m running 3 gallon pots and will tell you that itā€™s definitely not water only in that small of a pot. It may be water only in a bigger pot or bed.

I top dressed 3x and the plant looks like itā€™ll get through harvest (all Buildasoil products):

Craft Blend

I watered in Buildabloom once a week during flower too.


I just top dress 2tbsp per gal of soil every couple weeks

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why re-invent the wheel? Starter Mix 3-3-3 ā€“ Down To Earth Fertilizer

get handy with this stuff. like a T piece in Tetris. available in volume for super reasonable money too.

if you want to get dorky, get excited about worms. fresh homemade castings >>>

old school cool! :+1:



@CARE_giver what state are you in?
If youā€™re anywhere in Michigan there is a place called Grow Green. They have eveything! A huge warehouse of anything and everything. They hold cannabis Expoā€™s as well. Any kind of soil or additive, lights, meters, potsā€¦ prices arenā€™t bad either.
They do deliver every state, for a fee. But if in Michigan, check them out.


As a matter of fact :sweat_smile:ā€¦ I am in MIā€¦ That place is only about 45 minutes away from me!

Iā€™ll have to check em out. They have buildasoil 3.0 there?

I saw a place near me is a buildasoil retailer also. If I can just get the 3.0 without shipping fees I honestly just might do that. Easy peasy.


Kis organics for premixed stuff. But im all about building my own soil. Also water only soils are ok. But that ends up costing more money than keeping the soil alive and healthy.

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I was checking out Kis also. And I mainly want to kis so itā€™s definitely up there for me. Iā€™m still debating what I am gonna end up doing.

But kis, buildasoil, or sourcing my own coots are my 3 options Iā€™ve pretty much settled on.