Building the smallest perp cab possible?

I’m thinking 1 15w in the veg, 3 15w in flower. I want to take this box and make it way smaller. 4 plants that get cut every 2 weeks. I will get rid of the clone section if I do. I would take a cutting from the mum chamber and move it straight to flowering. Not sure if intake will even be needed in mum area. I’m thinking 10”x10”x18” total size. 80mm exhaust noctura fan.

Or am I better off just growing my single plant in a 5 gal spacebucket like currently?

I also read where someone took 5-6” pvc pipe and ran a single led bulb in the top with a small 40mm fan and had a hidden perp grow going, but not sure pvc is safe to heat/nor stealth.


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There are a couple amazing small space growers on here that can help get you lined up and rolling along the perpetual train in no time. You’re at the right spot.


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well a 5gal bucket isn’t much wider and is shorter depending on how you build it at 11.5"x15", but you could make that 10x10x18 work but i would just do a single chamber and run from seed, whether auto or regulars, as at that size a separate small veg/clone space added in really cuts down your space, and at that size you really start to limit what you can do, which im very familiar with.

But a separate small veg space could easily be made else where is needed.

The bigger question though is how much do you want to yield per plant, as that will dictate how much light and space you need.


You will have to check out @Mr.Sparkle and @ReikoX cabs for sure, will give you a great idea on space management and how to do it


Sorry for the delay. I only need 6oz a year. 1/2oz a month. Any ideas on harvests needed ect? @Mr.Sparkle

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Well depends again on how many harvest you want to do per year. If you want to get it all done in one harvest you would obviously need more light and more space. But you could easily do 4 runs a year from seed for photoperiods, but trying to pull 6oz out of a 10"x10" space will be a real challenge. I could with autos but not with photoperiods unless i was running clones and 6 cycles a year at higher wattages and even still it’s a challenge, and requires more space for mothers/clones/veg.

A good safe starting point for light vs area for the screw in led bulbs is around 30w a sqft. Being conservative if running in a 10"x10" space at around those levels plus some say 2x14w bulbs and only pulling 0.8g/w i would expect one could pull just over 3oz from that space over 4 runs which i think is totally achievable, but that is only half of what you want but is a lot more realistic expectation.

If wanting more that brings us back to more space and more light to achieve that. Could we just add more light sure, but it’s going to be a way bigger challenge to pull the same g/w as you will have to have your plants on lock and know how to keep plants under control in order to use that extra light. So we are kinda left with adding more space as well in order to get your yields.

But say were stuck on a 10"x10" space we could bump that light up to say 3x14w bulbs which you were originally thinking and is similar to the levels i run, with that you could realistically get 4-5oz if things go smoothly, and you always have a run on the go.

So really it comes down to what you want to do, with what space your limited too, vs how much your want, vs how many runs year you want to do and what way your want to go about doing it.


Thank you. So I’m the point where it’s go a little bigger for much more yield.

A spacebucket with 4 spacers added, 4 -15w screw in led, 80mm noctura fan, and grow in a 2gal hempy should do the trick @Mr.Sparkle eh? Or would more light be needed due to the extra 12” of increased height?

nah if anything you might run into issues with too much light, well heat, but just run as is

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I like this setup also. How much watering would have to happen with coco in flower though? Daily,? That would suck.

Reason to use trays, a lot easier to just water a tray than each individual plant. Also the reason i have automated the wareting in all my grows, whether wicks to arduino systems.

Only fabric pots would work with a tray water setup though?

no any container that will allow water to come in from the bottom or sides. Drain holes can work both ways :wink:

Thanks again. I’ll be purchasing the wood this weekend. Not sure more than 2 15w led bulbs would be needed in flower. I’ll try an 8w 6500k led bulb in veg chamber lol

It seems I should do 6oz a year, 7g a harvest every 2 weeks.

Water frequency could be a concern. Was it a full time job doing matence if it was not automated? Much easier to do a 2 gal coco hempy run and water it once a week. However this is my solution to play with genetics

for little containers, even smaller ones than what im currently using, i could get 3 maybe 4 days with a heavy heavy watering leaving some run off in the trays.

Now with my automation, once every 1.5-2+weeks, or till the res runs dry.

I’ve always been curious to smell odors also with 1 2 oz yielding plant vs 8 7g mini plants.