You Guys Get All The Good Looking Chicks

Ok so alot of that has to do with your cosmetology skills aka growing knowledge…

Every picture of your girls on here literally gives me a hard on, figuratively speaking of course :flushed: … Maybe

I’ve had my plants looking great a few times, to where their leaves were perky and straight out, those ladies looked independent and proud. But work, family, and just life has had me neglect and mistreat them and now they look like ladies of the nights, saggy, makeup smeared, and not the gals to write home about if ya catch my flow.

I know enviorment plays huge, and at the moment my girls arent at the Ritz but I’ve had them done up a few times where I wasn’t embarrassed to be seen with them at the pay per hour motel their in…

I guess I’m rambling and probably not making sense…

Havent seen perky tits on them for a while, some of the new growth looks ok but not what I’ve seen it can be.

So if ya have ever been in my shoes what were some of the causes and solutions to your plants not being all they could be. I know such a broad question

I have higher then avg temps like 86, low humidity like 20-34%, they have been in 1.8 liter pots for a long time in veg (2 months or so, don’t ask) so I’m assuming root bound also… I’m thinking that may be my biggest problem, but cash flow won’t even allow me to upgrade the pots at the moment, so any advice on something that may help my situation would be appreciated…

I’m more then eager to learn how to pull a dime piece Like you all do time and time again… So im here to stay, say hi to your little brother and don’t forget to call :telephone_receiver:


Its really hard to fix problems when you are growing and you have no money to spend. You need to lower the temps. Raise the humidity. Get bigger pots. Maybe better soil. What are you feeding? How are you growing them?


The biggest advantage is time and improvements. The more skill you have and the better your grow area is to manage the prettier girls you will have. :grinning:


@lotus710 Tell me about it, for my lights I went with a 600w digi hps even though my needs are much smaller/cooler until i have more cash and that isn’t helping my temps any because its a very small space!!! I jumped the gun when I got my clones, I wasn’t ready for indoor.I rigged up a ghetto cfl fixture in like 5 minutes from some old bulbs I had laying around and dollar store bowls for relectors, and a piece of wood to keep it together. I didn’t have a space for them so I had to gut my dresser… Ill tell ya searching for cloths now sucks :rage:

I took a squirl fan off a hot water blower of an old MTM pressure washer and found a like new returned motor for it… All Free, but not stealth at all - need to build a box for it which I’ve started just haven’t placed it in to sound proof etc.

Pots I had in my shed, soil is dr earth from depot with added perlite, its pretty toast now.

Was using just basic espoma organic grow from depot as well, but ordered some maxibloom and am doing :kiss: with it now - this might of upset them as well…?.?.?

Ill post up some pics later in the cab thread

@ryasco And time is about the only thing I can afford in my grow and I’m not spending it where time is due, but I will work on this. Ive noticed growing has taught me alot about myself and the areas in my life I need to improverove on. FREE counseling :grin: and therapy and I havent even flowered my medicine yet. Is there a better medicine? I think not! :smirk:

Sorry for the overdone post, just trying to let you all in on a little bit of my life


Dude, I feel you. My prized clone is feeling unappreciated and she won’t let me forget it.
Little things here and there might make the difference. Bunny food for some triacontanol. Maybe trim the ends of the roots if they’re starting to circle. Throw some worms in the buckets to loosen things up a little, and if they die, free nutrients.

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Bunny food eh?

be vewy, vewy quiet!

i have a similar problem… and i think the only solution for me is automated watering otherwise i’ll miss a day or 2 and they go to shit

i have a similar problem… and i think the only solution for me is automated watering otherwise i’ll miss a day or 2 and they go to shit

Yeah that’s also something I mentioned some where but not in this post. I am not proud of it but I do go through periods where I habitually underwater. They don’t deserve that, they are still recovering but still have canabalized themselves.

I’m really feeling A DIY project coming on. I think im leaning in the direcrion of ebb and flow table for automation. Was thinking about coco drip too. So I’m not decided - I would love input if you or anyone has any

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yes i was thinking about coco or net pots in flood + drain but then the laziness is like would that just end up being more work?! i think i will make the switch when i upgrade from a tent to a room

For a low overhead hydro system, I would have to vote DWC for small amount of plants. The equipment you need is minimal (and obtainable at most big box stores), You clean and refill, properly nute and ph the water in the reservoir/bucket every 10 - 14 days, and during that period you might have to top off maybe 1 - 2 times depending on how thirsty/hungry they are, can easily be done while monitoring PH/EC/PPM levels. And its a very effective way of growing.

I would say for a larger amount of plants ebb and flow is more suitable. I would use hydroton clay pellets as the medium for either system, but I’ve never used coco so I’m bias on that.

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@legalcanada both seem like great options, I agree maybe easier when you have the room to get to your plumbing and plants for maintenance. Unless you got a monster tent

@Roux I’m hoping to do a minimum 3×3 for ebb and flow or what ever I choose - about 9 plants under a reflector and try for an even canopy. Does that take the ease out of DWC?

I’d do ebb and flow personally for that setup for ease…if I ran DWC I’d run 2 - 4 plants and lst (or scrog) to fill it out for an even canopy, but will have a longer veg time. Personal preference is a beautiful thing, many options.

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