Bundles Of Joy - Grow log 2024 with tresbundles

Awsome journal @tresbundles … You are a very humble and extremely generous !!! Great work Sir wish you the best and I’ll be following along for the ride ! Cheers and thank you !!!

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Hello everyone! Long time-no post lol :rofl:
@BTYGMO thanks for the kind words, bud. I don’t update as often as most peeps but thank you for following along!
@Rabeats2093 shit, I could ride a bicycle to where your at, I think if you don’t get a cut, I could get you a replacement! :upside_down_face:
@Emeraldgreen , the Rainbird outside is looking more than halfway done while the others are just flowering. Had a bit of budrot-it’s been quite moist here, but she’s chugging along nicely and smells foul in a good way!

I’m thinking it’ll be done mid-September. Pretty cool plant, very interesting. Thank you for these, bud!

Got some indoor shots to share as my outdoor is abominable lol :rofl:
They get so neglected out there, but as long as I get some hash making material, I’ll be happy.

Flower tent shot :arrow_down:

Front right is the Fire as F#ck from @Papalag :arrow_down:

she’s a stretcher with long internodes and her fan leaves are stinky!

Front left is Skyway (Lemon Cherry Gelato S1 x Florida Strawberries) :arrow_down:

She revegged over a year ago and still hasn’t recovered from it. I thought I should give her one more run before I retire her.

In the back we have the Wedding Cake x Bobo 7 #1 (Pink Garlic) :arrow_down:

And her sister WC x Bobo7 #2 (Teaberry) :arrow_down:

I popped 6 Logcake S1 and 3 @Santero Chocolate Diesel, just waiting for them to show their heads.

That’s all the exciting news that I have for now except the last Mini Auction in the 8 Years of Overgrow celebration is now live!
:partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Please visit and bid crazily to benefit Overgrow.com !!! Thank you to all the donors and my buddy @Rhai88 for steering the ship!


Thank you @tresbundles !!! My hats off to anyone doing double duty indoors and outdoor. That’s a long tough commitment I have never done well outdoors cheers to anyone that can pull a harvest that’s a gladiator sport in my opinion lol. I am stoked to follow your journey. I noticed your birthday in your thread we are the same age and I follow your flavor first mentality. Cool thread enjoyed reading along on your journey excited for the next chapter my friend!!! Cheers !!!


Awesome to hear. Thank you :pray:

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I’ll keep it in mind bro and appreciate the offer !
Deff the closest one to me that’s for sure

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Good evening! :beers:
It’s wet today, so I snapped just a couple pics of the Rainbird outside. She’s starting to turn colors and fattening up. She did get stripped pretty harsh while trying to stay ahead of the septoria, but she’s definitely not being consumed. Some of the others are looking pretty spotty and will definitely impact yield lol! :rofl: I’m not super concerned with yield on outdoor stuff. It’s all for science!

Some indoor stuff starting to bud at day 30. They’ve been suffering also. with my paranoia with the bugs I got a little over-zealous with picking leaves.
:warning: Warning: Heavy Defoliation!

Front right is: Fire as Fuck :arrow_double_down:

Front left is the “never recovered from reveg” Skyway (Lemon Cherry Gelato x Florida Strawberries) :arrow_double_down:

Rear left is: Pink Garlic (WC S1 x Bobo7[V]) #1 :arrow_double_down:

Rear right is: Teaberry (WC S1 x Bobo7[V]) #2. She didn’t like a couple feedings with the pH off. :arrow_double_down:

It smells like sunflowers in there right now, it’s actually pretty amazing. :yum:
In other news I have 6 Logcake S1s and 3 Santero Chocolate Diesel above ground.

Thank for stopping through :star_struck: , I’ll have more pics later of my small tents.


Looks great!! Septoria is a problem this year also. It’s a pita for sure. I’ve got plants stripped so bad I don’t know how they will produce :disappointed:
Possibly a chocolate diesel male :grin:

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looks like a perfect defoliation to me! also great canopy depth that 3 foot mark is almost perfect went about 2 weeks to early on my flip and lost about a foot


Quickie little update on a few things.
Fire as F#ck getting a little color and chunking up :arrow_double_down:

Seedling getting bigger ready to pot-up soon.
3 Chocolate Diesel F2 (@santero) and 5 Logcake S1 :arrow_double_down:

The Choc D has a mutant- pretty neat.

Here’s a Logcake S1 that I’m doing 12/12 from seed. She’s a chunker, for sure :heart_eyes: :arrow_double_down:

Thank for looking! Outdoor update is coming no matter how embarrassing it is!!! :rofl:


FAF lives up to its name. that tent is looking nce and close gonna be some killer bud soon broski

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holy cow, that logcake s1 looks amazing (!)
… i need to start some asap :+1: :yum:


Thank you for stopping through fellas!
@204medismoke yeah man, it’s smelling a little grapey, not sweet though, with an underlying earthy smell. She’s going to be the one with the most dense flowers. These are going to be taken at day 60 to hopefully limit the amount of mite damage. I’ve knocked them back, but they are still in the flower tent. I will win my battle against these little jerks! :rofl:
@santero I would be super honored if you grew something of mine! I honestly think you’ll like them. They’re just the right amount of different than anything I have smoked. And, of course, you’re free to do anything you like with anything that I’ve sent you!
I gave away all the S1 that I made this last round and will be making more this winter now that I’ve figured out the ratios with the silver. :sunglasses:

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Ok, painful outdoor update! :grimacing:
Septoria, botrytis, bird shit, caterpillars and leaf hoppers. What’s not to like about outdoor? :rofl:

PB Dream @Crafty_Flame :arrow_double_down:

Sky High Octane OG @turtlewerm :arrow_double_down:

Sour Strawberry F3 @Mithridate :arrow_double_down:

Cap Junky :arrow_double_down: :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Wedding Cake

Tahoe OG :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :arrow_double_down:

The garden is looking like proper shit! I put almost zero effort into growing these and it shows!! I’m sorry if I’m not representing these fine strains to the best of my ability. This is all for science! (and hash) :nerd_face:

I took the Rainbird down last week after a few wet days, she’s drying and I will sample it pretty soon! It was pretty much done- maybe 2 weeks more would have plumped her up a bit more.
Thanks for looking, folks and see you next time!


Seems to have been a rough year outside. Just took down a few plants today.
Septoria killed us this year :disappointed:


I have no outdoors exp at all. I fell like im not ready to deal with all of those things you listed plus whatever else outdoors offers. I hope to follow you brave souls into the world of outdoor growing next year. The Skyhigh octane og clone I have right now is flopping all over the place, so seeing yours outside standing on its own looks good to me lol. Is it giving you any smell Im wondering if it has the same limonlime as the mom.


@turtlewerm Don’t let my flubs scare you away from outdoor. I’m a bad plant dad to my outside ladies. :rofl: I have not touched them yet to get any smells, but will check tomorrow!


@turtlewerm outside is easier in some places says and harder in other ways.
Pros: no electric cost
No environmental controls
Bugs good and bad- generally speaking my
Outdoor never reaches critical levels of
Mold/ bud rot more likely to occur outside in
My experience
Can grow monsters :grin:
Cons: so much less control :rofl::rofl:


Despite the lack of care, that Sour Strawberry filled out nicely :+1:


My plan is to make some Auto fem seeds to get in and out quick. Its very tempting with all that free light, and you guys make it look like there is fun to be had out there.


I have a new appreciation for autos and fems in this new outdoor setting. It’s a whole different set of rewards and challenges.
Some awesome autos floating around here!
I say put some autos out!