Buzzmobile’s slow intro

They are not all boys. YAY! There two tall Soulmate ladies and two Killer Grape 99s now. I will take some tops off and stick them to root. Slowly but surely is the pace with seedlings.

The autoflower is on auto and drinking the 2 gallon pot dry on a regular basis. It is beginning to offer up a pine scent.

Nut picking and cracking has been going on around here lately too. Many of the pecans dropped early so it’s a hunt to find the good ones. Those usually show up with lighter colored shells with very distinct black stripes.


Wow, just read your thread @buzzmobile , what drama! From trees falling on your house to a flooded grow room due to hurricane, i couldn’t put it down! I’m happy to see everything is back on track now. I love the way you keep things rolling along! Continued success!
Edit: Is pecan wood nice, as a source of smoke for smoking food? Never tried it but it seems like it should be.


Nice fucking recovery dude :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

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Thank you for the kind words and for reading my thread, @Budderton . I started growing in the basement here in 2002, and it has been an evolving process.
Pecan wood is excellent for smoking foods. It has a very sweet smoke smell without being overpowering. One of my uncles and his brother had a BBQ restaurant and they exclusively used pecan for the pit grill. My cousin and I spent a summer with a log splitter and a pile of pecan logs to keep the fires burning.
Swing by the next time you’re in the neighborhood and I’ll send you home with some chunks of wood and nuts.

Thank you. Thank you very much.