Today will be Yesterday… Tomorrow! Riding the heat wave into the Future

Many things have happened this year in my life, I’m sure the same is true for your life. I’ve been growing a special project with no time to post. The second job helped get my medical bills under control so it was worth it, today I’m looking forward to getting back to OverGrow’n.

Seeds Cultivated:

Bros Grimm papaya 99 feminized

Bros Grimm Puck Yes feminized


Lights: 2 Mars Hydro 1000 watt LED

Using a 5000BTU AC to keep the cab temp between 70-80F.

This Grow Started March 2024:
BOG LSD seeds provided by @buckaroobonsai

Bros Grimm Puck yes seeds provided by Secret Santa :smiley:

High Speed fly over of the Veg. Part of the Grow.

Everything went great, watered by weight as needed. The first heat wave hit right around this time… Cultivated some Bros Grimm Papaya 99 to grow about two weeks after the start. I pinched out the tops of all plants at the 8th node to slow them done and let the Papaya 99 catch up.

The Papaya caught up quickly, 3 BOG LSD showed up female so I’m feeling really good about where the grow is going at this point. February, March, April and May all flew by working 70 hours a week at two jobs, I deeply missed being on OverGrow. Now that the bills are taken care of I let the second job go so i could live my life again.

These pictures are from 3 weeks into flowering and brings the grow thread up to date.
About 8 days ago I moved into the seed making phase of this grow.

My primary goals for this grow is making a new version of BOG LSD by crossing it with Celtic Stone Pollen and BOG LSD crossed with AMG Sour x Sour Bubble pollen. The seeds will been done in time for the 8 years of OverGrow anniversary starting August 1st 2024. There will be stickers, t-shirts and seeds available for all OG’s who enter the contest. More information will be provided before the event so others can join the fun.

AMG Sour X Sour bubble Pollen from @darkillusion

Celtic Stone Pollen From @Lady.Zandra63 and @Draig


BOG LSD X Celtic Stone

BOG LSD X AMG Sour x Sour Bubble

Bros Grimm Puck Yes (Fem) X Celtic Stone (reg)

Bros Grimm Papaya 99 (Fem) X AMG sour x Sour Bubble (Reg)

Soooo I’m all caught up on the grow and project at hand, it’s Memorial Day 2024… Rest In Peace soldiers who have fallen in combat. To all veterans: Thank You.


Soooo glad to see you man! Glad you are doing ok!:+1:


Welcome back, I see you have been quite busy.


@buckaroobonsai Good to see you too! My wife got at me on Friday to get back to OverGrow and let everyone know that I’m doing OK as I haven’t been around since February. I got messages to answer and posts to look at, I’ll be busy this week catching up.

The BOG LSD seeds you sent all popped and grew, Thank you my friend.

@darkillusion Good to be back, yeah been busy but I feel great and the pollen you sent is a perfect cross for BOG LSD. It should seriously rev-up the BOG genetics. Thank you.

I’m off to a BBQ, Have a Great Day! :sunglasses:


Welcome back to both OG and having a life that you get to live at least partially for yourself!


Welcome back friend


Welcome back @Heliosphear , great to see you man. Been missing you around here like many others. :v:


Good to see you @Heliosphear im going to find the person who invented work and make them finish it!! Crosses sound great and plants are looking beautiful. All the best mate :pray::sunglasses::green_heart:


Welcome back brotha :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Nice to see ya back hun!!
Wow-- you’ve been a busy little buggar!! You were missed!
These are BEAUTIFUL plants!
Gotta ask-- are those sprouts on surgical pads???
Keeping my eyes on this one!!! :green_heart: :+1: :blush:


Broooooo it’s like the missing piece to the puzzle is back! OG wasn’t the same without you!

Glad you’re back in action! Hope we can run some sweet events together soon! :wink:

You’ve been a busy guy I can see. Grow looks excellent! Welcome back!!!


Welcome back brother. Glad to hear things are looking up. Sucks working that many hours. Grow looks on point my man.



We are all glad to see you back and doing well! :wink::ok_hand::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


:partying_face::partying_face: Welcome back! @Heliosphear
Good to see ya! Glad to hear things are back on the rails and running true for you.:facepunch:t3: Your grow looks stellar! :fist:t3:🪶🪶


It is never a good signal when you start to be tagged in the Members who haven’t been seen here in awhile thread ejem|nullxnull, glad you’re around and left your problems back, your plants look great, always love those big fat leaves … Pirata|nullxnull


So great to see you doing well Helio!
Kuddos to you doing what it takes to get the job done, no mater what.
It’s gonna be a great year going forward :seedling::green_heart:


Welcome back, Helio! Great to see a pillar of the community back in action, and better to hear you and yours are doing well.

Great looking work you’ve been up to in the meanwhile at that, but that goes without saying.
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


welcome back @Heliosphear !!! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Good to see you back around safe and sound!!! :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:

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Welcome back @Heliosphear
It is sure nice to see you back on OG!!!


welcome back! you were dearly missed by many, glad to see you are growing on and staying strong! og just got a lil more og now that your back :wink:

lovely plants and plans good luck !!

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