Calle‘s Indoor Adventures - Project 2 - M39 F3 + Lost Skunk F2 - 4 plants in 1 tent - Flowerweek 2-3

Hey yo my little stoners :cowboy_hat_face:

I was quite busy but I managed to invite some more plants… leftovers from OD :star_struck:

May you can guess from the serrations :wink: it’s a F2 of ?!

400w was not the way to go for one plant! I am wasting enough CO2 as a employee so I try to reduce it xD and I need weed :stuck_out_tongue:

If I can keep the animals out of the tent - I will bang a good run I guess :cupid:

Just peat and water and now feeding till here!

Happy Monday


Cooking with fire now! :grin:

Making me want a small HID just to compare to LED.


My guess would be lost skunk :slight_smile:

You’re quite good at filling the space :slight_smile: Growing in small cabs gives a good hand at that.


Oh yes :slight_smile: it’s a heavy switch and I love it! It totally different to led. I also forgot about the camera probs :rofl: but I will do just this one crazy like a MF. Next ones are with new led in future.

I am off for some Cambodian Cubensis :wink:


You are the man! All honor for @funkyfunk

I know for you it’s easy as a LS Thread addict :rofl:

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Yeah it’s not tough to make it tight :star_struck:

I grew up in a small garden and there is were I used to grow big plants with no space :green_heart:


Behind the bamboo is all my male pride :slight_smile:


Hey dear my honest fellows,

Yesterday I had an amazing day :star_struck: it is so mind blowing what Mother Nature has had prepared for us!

Yesterday evening I saw that I have some rooting success :slight_smile: the boy and one girls are already rooted. Let’s see if I can extend its progress!

I will start another try with other soil soon :slight_smile: because the one I used is free of peat and myco‘s. I just want this confirmation that it will work better with this combo. :grin:

This is the view just few minutes ago. I need to organize a bigger pot for the M39 and then I will finally repot her in few days.

Indoor growing makes a lot of fun, with this cutting and so on :slight_smile: it definitely increased my expectations of my own hidden garden center- haha!

My new filter fan combo is great and works at 30 % - need just to hang up few more fans and then it’s all more or less fine :slightly_smiling_face:

Since the Lost Skunks arrived in the tent the odor inside changed completely… it’s really „sour“ or something like that! I guess I should save the LS as cuts as well.

On Friday I am able to visit my OD garden and I am absolutely looking forward to it! I always love the flash after a few days…

Nice that you guys are part of my take over :rofl: The living room CEO will think it’s a real life „Jumanji“!


M39 OD amazes me from day to day more. No feeding just my selfmade soil and a bit love…


Hey dear my Bros,

Things are moving fast :slight_smile: I have bought a new fan and some predatory mites. I turnt exhaust fan to 50% and now I have perfect conditions!

M39 starts to drop pistils.

My little Cutting’s Factory runs really smooth and has a nice success rate! My NLD UEL Pheno has build already roots :slight_smile:

I am happy :rainbow:


Hey good morning fellows,

This morning I repotted the M39. The rootbound made my day. She is hungry!

The 3 LostSkunk are busy with rooting as well after 2 month in 3l in the shadow… Next week they will stretch like crazy I guess.


Ok so I need to hurry up with a mother place :rofl: :rainbow:


Looking good everywhere here, well done! Still have the fridge to put your mothers in while wiating for a better space I guess :slight_smile:


Yeah of course funky but I want to avoid to get scoliosis :rofl:

Just need some time…


rODeo 2024 is running really well :cowboy_hat_face:

M39 F3

UEL inbred - self selected

UEL F7 - self selected


I envy your little garden so much :slight_smile:

You really did go on selecting for the sativa side on your UEL, love this thin leaves.


Oh that’s really kind of you! Thank you funky. As one of my „OnlineFriends“ you are kindly invited to grab the real vibes. Maybe end of September ? I have a free bedroom for few days no problem :100:


The UEL inbred looks lovely !
Big, thin leaves :heart_eyes:


Thanks Bro I feel the same :slight_smile:

The cut I took has beautiful roots but started to flower. A beautiful pitty. Hope I can keep her alive :green_heart: tommorow I will spend her 1 Liter soil!

Here is the Amnesia F2 Male with still Resin here and there :grinning:

And in the tent I need to lift up the Lost Skunks :slight_smile: M39 is stretching…

@funkyfunk hope I can give my 2 cents about watering later on. Movie time with family. Dropping this update while they are cooking „Pudding“ xD

In my Back an the window sill:-D



Looking good over here. Well, except for the male :wink:

Don’t worry, better take care of your family and spend time with your kids. The watering trouble is secondary.

I’m not traveling a lot anymore, but if I ever come into your country I’ll make sure to make a visit. Same here, I don’t have room for a whole family, but you’re welcome to say hi!

Have a good week!