Calle‘s Indoor Adventures - Project 2 - M39 F3 + Lost Skunk F2 - 4 plants in 1 tent - Flowerweek 2-3

Man, I had a busy week and fell behind…

Looks like the new HID is kicking ass, outdoor is doing well.

Love that outdoor UEL :heart:


Hey Funky - nice to know - thank you.

I know a watering instruction from another Forum.

First of all you should be able to fill 30% of the soil volume with initial watering!
1 liter soil should suck ~300ml water and so on.

They advice also to weight the pot before and after watering.

Then you will keep an eye on the weight und you won’t give water until the weight reduces minimum to 50%… This is really helpful :wink:

After few weeks you will have that feeling and wont need a scale.

Hope that was kind of understandable :laughing:

Hey @FieldEffect no worries I am also way behind with commenting here and there :sweat_smile:

Yeah it’s really a nice grab with that phenotype. She is nearly invisible isn’t she ? Flower week 2 or so :star_struck:

If you zoom in you may recognize how wide this plant is… on the bottom you can see this UELx Madagascar Landrace F2 . It’s definitely no UEL phenotype :wink:

Left side of the plant from above

M39 is also pretty nice and fits perfectly in my season. I bent one down to invite more sun of both plants… Hope they will start to flower soon as well…

Here is my UEL F7 I made 2022 I guess. Badly attacked by snails but she will make it. I found resin on the leaves and the steamrub gave me sticky fingers… What the fuck :rofl:

Lost Skunk is Lost Jungle :slight_smile: now it’s pretty obvious that I started earlier this season…


Did that scale dance a long time ago, don’t feel like going on through that again. :smiley: That 30% rule though never heard off. Thing is the timing anyway.

I think I’m hitting different things: new cab, new soil… I’m starting to have a grasp on it, that pot dryness feeling, but the shitty weather is not helping. Have to wonder twice a day if that’s the right moment, depending on a ever changing and often wrong forecasting.

Talk about a first log :laughing: But I’ve been inspired by @FieldEffect and big kudos for that!

Yeah depending on the strains and the environment, some stems can be really greasy.

When you have time, I’d be curious to know what you did and think about this UEL. Looks like you have several lines and you crossed it with a bunch of things.


Hey Funky and all others,

It’s been a tough day. I killed my ass in the morning with an OD workout and then I was with my daughter 6 hours inside a indoor playground… Inside :wink: Maybe I will sleep early today :rofl:

The UEL F7 looks and smells like the F6 with this sticky steamrub as a only difference. Or I didn’t recognized the other F6‘s I had ?!

The finished Bud alsways delivered a really authentic Lime/lemon odor! It’s not a heavy hitter but it’s kind of mood enhancing to me.

In crosses this line is outstanding. Last years UEL x Nepali has shown a nice heterosis and the finished Bud was the best EU Outdoor I have ever consumed :slight_smile: this year I will Repro this cross.

Beginning August 2023

  1. September

Maybe you remember also last years UELx Komuani Landrace ?

UEL is really lightsensitive and a good plant to shorten up flowertime and so on. Also it is kind of IBL and you can easily bred with this Lines…

My own UEL creation has different phenotypes as in the F6 and above… that was my main goal and I am really courious of it!

The F5s1 I got gifted from Arnold Outdoorkingseeds. Big shoutout to him!

The steamrub smells like the finished Bud of the F6 but delivers not so much sticky fingers as this years F7.

The Profilepic shows a UEL F5 x Boa‘s Durban F25 I got also gifted.

Feel free to ask more questions:)

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As @FieldEffect mentioned!

The HPS is kicking ass :boom: the lost skunks need to speed up and looks like they do within next days.

The M39 left me speechless so far…


Hey Guys,

Yesterday I have had two mechanics in the cellar due to heating maintenance… everything fine and its forced me to clean up a bit :slight_smile: win win for me or so :rofl:

This morning is was busy with new siblings :wink:
My small greenhouses are a really easy way. New soil this time. Just my growing soil. No extra starting shit or stuff like that. Let’s see :slight_smile:
I’ll trust on the myco‘s :green_heart:

And a second UEL Inbred cutting :star_struck: this time earlier in one liter! Fingers crossed for no pistils.

And a little earthing…


And here are all the other survivors… exclusive the UEL shown above and one other M39 where I don’t know which Pheno :slight_smile:

M39 is alive and I can do my Repro Out and In :slight_smile:

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Well done! These little greenhouses seem really handy. Do you think their embed light is enough alone to have the cut rooting? Or it’s better to have more? I can see how such little things could be sneaked in every closets around the house :laughing:

That and you can see how they adapt in you indoor environment, how it influences the plants. With a grain of salt, given they are clones though.

Thanks for the UEL hints! Hardly have time lately.

So one of the goal was keeping some variations in your line. How did you make it? Did you use different plants from different generations? Wonder from where you started from and what was the path.

Happy holidays!


Hey funky thanks for your interest… all begun back in 2019 as I saw the UEL F6 for the first time grown… This guy grows Monster bushes :wink: I was new on the forum and asked him to send me seeds. One day later I ask for someone else to send a pack more and I will guide it further :slight_smile: ( I wasn’t aware that this guys I sent the pack of F6 will send me 5 years later the M39) since 2020 UEL is part of my season. Did a few selections and few crosses. Then I asked Arnold to help me with the UEL and he was kind enough to sent few F5s1 my way.
Only a few made it and I opened 2 lines.

F5s1 #1 x F6
F5s1 #2 x F6

The first one I made to F2 because I have heard that in the F2 there is the highest chance of Pheno variations.

Then I made a normal F7 with the best Female and males. I crossed also a F7 from a friend to my F6 male.

I guess that’s it with a few rough sentences…

Let’s have a look in the garden guys… seems like this years UEL could be the star of the season…

The stretch was amazing and it’s wide as tall and so ridiculously bushy :green_heart: just one lower branch looks like as small plant…

Already little resin…

Nepali IBL is also taking off now… last years Nep runs ones out of water in 3 week of flower and 3 days later Banana Joana was there :laughing: this year is my last chance to preserve this amazing variety. Wait for it’s flower :rainbow:

M39 red line is a nice ball

That’s it for tonight :slight_smile:

Ah shit the greenhouses. Yes I think they are perfectly for cuttings :slight_smile: just the heating mat and the small GH‘s in the cellar!


Thanks for the whole lineage description, you clarified everything I was wondering about :slight_smile:

Keep up the green pics :wink:

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Hey Funky,

Glad that I was able to answer :star_struck:

This picture is more or less live! I will start to cut the pots now :wink:

Happy Weekend all together



And a few shot during the process…


Nice healthy roots. “Ginger Joe”, that’s a nice name :wink:

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Yeah after the steamrub it was clear to me :rofl:

Just watered the tent :wink: ~17l for the 4 plants with no drain. With more time I would give them more then 20l but who am I that I have free time ?! :rofl:

Seems like overnight the LS made a good pice towards top :slight_smile:

Can you see the vacuuming green shape ?! :rofl: I love my exhaust system!


Specially at the end of the holidays :wink:

Looks like a proper tent+exhaust is easier to manage than a fridge lol.

Well managed canopy!

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Thanks for being part of my journal :slight_smile:

Yeah it’s going to be a nice canopy with resinous pimples :rofl:

Here is Joe :wink:

And here you can see it’s getting serious…


Hey guys what’s up?

This morning I made it like @FieldEffect and started my day in Eden…

Hope they start soon to take of…


M39 is really leafy…


That is a nice and relaxing morning view :slight_smile:

Hope they won’t take off too much, that wall might be too small otherwise. :wink:


Great view!

Two M39s correct, one by the shed, one in the grey pot under the tree. Two UELs, one a cross in the raised bed the other in the ground adjacent to the M39 in the grey pot? Isn’t there another one somewhere?

Nicely maintained garden and the extra plants are happy.

That wall is already looking a bit low :rofl:

If you guys are still getting a bunch of rain storms it may be wise to thin out M39, especially with the runoff from the shed roof. I’m paranoid about budrot on outdoor stuff, but I don’t like my indica stuff getting too thick in terms of foliage anymore. Just my two cents. :slightly_smiling_face: