Calle‘s Indoor Adventures - Project 2 - M39 F3 + Lost Skunk F2 - 4 plants in 1 tent - Flowerweek 2-3

Hey @funkyfunk & @FieldEffect

Thanks for your words… I will reply within the next days with a fresh update!

Sending good vibes


Hey my blind squirrel,

You want to meet the whole crew? There we go :rainbow:

On this site you can may see or imagine the plants as follows :sweat_smile:

2 x M39 in one Pot

UEL inbred with a praying UELxMadagascar Cross laying in front :wink:

behind the tomatoes 2 Lost Skunks are trying to survive…

UEL F7 and a bit of the 2 M39 in the grey pot!

Behind the hedge I normally do some Scrogs but this year I just put 1 M39 & 2 Old School Skunk BX in a pot…

And here you can see a Lost Skunk and my Very last Nepali IBL female :heart: the first boy is on the milking table!

May you can find some more



Nice, pretty well hidden in the green. Though in some weeks they’ll stink too much to be discrete :laughing:


@funkyfunk @FieldEffect

I hope I can manage the stretch with my selfmade jungle. It’s a small garden and i am seeking space. The wall won’t be to small ! I will frame it like that.

Seems like I need to be a little creative in a month :rofl:

I am growing in this garden since 20 years and I am not afraid of mold and stuff like that anymore. There was no season with no mold so it’s not a smart goal here. So especially last years I was checking the limits of the plants to work on nice northern varieties.

Non the less I will do my best to give my ladies the best flowering environment as possible… Thanks for the hint with the foliage I also thought it’s good rob a bunch of leaves but I will wait for the stretch first :slight_smile: No risk no fun.


Yeah that could be true xD haha till yet everything is fine. Let’s hope that they won’t stay in veg much longer…

In the tent I would like to spend more time but time is really rare nowadays :sweat_smile: maybe I can do it now if everything runs like noticed in the fam calendar xD

Ps. I pollinated a bit the M39 with LS Pollen to have this first run as a memory cross :wink: this time it worked I am sure…


M39xLS sounds yummy!

Indeed they’re gonna be giants and you don’t have much room to bent anything :laughing: You could still top some right now… And true that OD you have to do with mold, that’s part of the game and helps to know how a plant behaves regarding to pest/mold.


What a beautiful garden! I really like the looks of the UEL in particular. Ultra Early Love I’ve been assuming.

I think they are blending in quite well. I think they’ll be fine during stretch. I’m learning these plants are ridiculously hardy and self-sufficient.

Very healthy perspective on the mold overall. As I am living in perpetual weed abundance these days I’ve been slowly shifting in the same direction but that was very nice to read. Can’t eliminate it so don’t sweat it as much.

Great to see :sunglasses:

I love the shot of the bigger garden the same way you do. The whole thing is pretty :+1::+1:


Thanks for keeping up that good vibe :star_struck: it’s really a crazy season and it’s kind of non verbal compliment to see the plants and how they kind of harmonize with the environment. To be more precise- i am really in love.b :green_heart: Out as In it’s a real nice mood enhancer.
Hope I find something special to me in the next weeks/month and take the right decisions :wink:

Yes it’s the Ultra Early Love :heart: the F7 is also really nice looking and is different to the the inbred line.

Hope I can harvest enough pollen of the Nepali to pollinate both UELs and the Nepali for sure! If this is done I can totally focus on that promised M39 preservation. If something unplanned will happen I am able to run it indoors over the winter :wink: but I have already I cute idea with the Cuts I have twice :wink: So let’s see what will happen within the next weeks.

Both UELs alive :sweat_smile: and seems like in veg stage. Jippieh!

M39 still 2 Phenos missing. #3 and #5 and a few more twice would be great… but I will not complain…

Apropos M39… the ID lady really amaze me from optic. Hope she will drop more resin soon :grinning:


Thanks I thought it’s a nice cross within the
„ Family“ :slight_smile:

Few hours ago.


Hey good morning folks,

This morning I was busy with a bigger leaf harvest xD I took mostly M39 ones and a few LS as well. Now I think I will wait another 2-3 days and then I will repeat it.

I also glued some small hooks at the outside of the tent! Tonight I will pull it with strings against the vacuum :sweat_smile:

The LS is really a squeezed side bitch :sweat_smile:


Hey dear my lovely lurkers and writers. Just 2-3 days are gone and I can see most of the plants preparing for flower :star_struck: at least they are starting to stretch now. It was a Mindblowing visit. I can really not complain so far.

Nepali IBL continuation and the promised M39 F3 extension is also on a good way. Beside all the fixed goals I am playing with the Lost Skunks and some own creations. The best of it is that I am not every day in the garden and then you have always this… wow :rainbow: ok enough of the words.

Nepali IBL

Calle‘s Early Love - early, resinous, citrus terps AF.

The both M39 seems like they are getting serious as well…

UEL F7 with nice development within last few nights…

Other M39‘s… I love this 2 plants as well.

There is one M39 left together with the Old School Skunks. She is the furthest of all and she is not saved as a cut yet :cold_face: I will try it soon again…

And the Lost skunks are also preparing for the last dance.

Tommorow morning I will try to make some LS F3 beans :wink:




Thanks for the link. Settled in for the show.
Look fantastic!!


Hey welcome :slight_smile: where you from?


I’m in New York. You?


Man, your growth is incredible, I’m here with my armchair to follow your saga with the

Lost skunk! unfortunately out of the 5 seeds that I managed to germinate I only had one seedling, I have more seeds and I intend to open them soon hugs man


I am more or less same Latitude in Germany… Man 15 years ago I was in NY and grabbed the craziest hashishin smelling weed I ever consumed! I call it Harlem Hash Bud :grin:

@creatorknbsland Thanks :rainbow: I am doing my best to let the plants do what they can… no feeding or massive playing… only 1-2 OD plants got a small feeding the rest is happy with water.
I popped a whole pack LS and ended up with 1 male :upside_down_face: I selected 6girls. 3 in 3 out… the Indoor LS‘s starting to shoot resin.


UEL x Nepali need new seeds

And pure Nepali as well :wink:

And the UEL is taking off


Slowly the Lost Skunks lurking over the tomatoes :blush:


M39 with no resin :sweat_smile:


Looking good :grin:. Might have to give the m39 a stern talking to :rofl::rofl::rofl: