Can mood swings be stabilized with diet?

…or, stated inverselyI think :smoking:, does dietary intake and or frequency & volume etc. regulate mood significantly?

:evergreen_tree: :chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::crazy_face::chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend::disappointed::exploding_head::boom:


No, but the 2 x 4 to the back of the head will :joy::joy::joy:
All kidding aside

“ Sleep “lack of ,that is plays a big part in all of it. Just based on my daughter who suffers from major insomnia which gives her tremendous mood swings, especially in the morning.


I did forget to add I myself have had thyroid issues . At first, it was hyper thyroidism that turned around and caused me to have a erratic mood swings both at home and at work. It was one of the major signs but bloodwork was able to determine that and then they put me on Synthroid.


Laughter :herb: is a good medicine too :joy::call_me_hand:

I trust OGers more than most other sources & am grateful.

Been struggling with both & etc. but the pedia of wiki has been helpful recently :man_shrugging:

I remember a professor saying that a lot of people enroll in psych & neurobiology courses just to gain insight on their own condition. :thinking: probably meet some wild ladies too :joy:

No shit @Papalag - I just got diagnosed about a year ago with same. Went in because of unexplainable tremors

I may have to start a PM to you soon

More insight… yowza



Controlled, I’d say no.

But if you have mood swings it’s important to eat regularly or they get worse, in my experience anyway.

Good food, not too much sugar.


My wife :100: has mood swings from not eating or not eating enough. She is just not herself when she is hangry lol no seriously she is like a whole other person

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Sleep advice I find to be the worst.

“Well, what you need is healthy sleep.”
“Yeah, that’s not going to happen, but thanks.”

I’ve heard this so many times it makes my blood boil.


That depends entirely on the individuals metabolism, blood sugar levels, protein absorption etc…
People with Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, thyroid, malabsorption etc… get severe mood swings from either not eating frequently enough, or eating highly processed foods.
Making sure you have a quality protein at every meal- even small amounts like one egg, one tablespoon of nut butter etc… can stabilize blood sugar and lower mood swing IN SOME PEOPLE…
Also- many people react to artificial sweeteners, food dyes, and preservatives. If you have undiagnosed ADHD, OCD, ASD, PMDD and the rest of the medical alphabet - you will be more sensitive to artificial ingredients- and should stick to home-made or simple-ingredient products.
Took a LOT of nutrition classes, and am currently working with a nutritionist for myself-- and have in the past with our daughter who has severe digestive disorders…you don’t think about the fact our bodies have not evolved to use the crap we manufacture and add to food to make it last longer, taste or look better or be cheaper!


I think there was a study that showed that judges hand out much more severe sentences when they are hungry before lunch sentencing as opposed to post lunch happy belly sentencing for the same crimes.

How would you like to do a few extra years because your judge was hangry?


I have had bad insomnia for a while–
Draig had it for over 30 years- causing serious health issues…took that long to try MANY different drugs etc… before finally finding a winning combo…
With me- My doctor is worthless- so I did my own tweaking…
CBD w/THC 3 hours before bed, then the stuff she prescribed…which did not work on its own.


This is my breakfast every morning.

I make a point of eating regularly, even if it’s inconvenient, because the consequences are severe if I don’t.


Apart from passing out from alcohol I don’t think I’ve really slept since I was 16 years old. With a few exceptions.


Stabilized, probably not. “Guided in the right direction”, absolutely.

I generally beileve it’s VARIETY that’s key. It’s not so much healthy vs. unhealthy, it’s just variety of foods within dietary restrictions.

I think ----- and this is just off the cuff my basic opinion ---- people who have the BROADEST diets not necessarily the HEALTHIEST diets, are people who suffer less allergies and such.

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PM me… may be able to help a little…



daily diet exercise 'n activities in nature solve it…takes a year or more of effort but it will work

dont eat junk - cook real food of fresh ingredients,mostly plants
exercise every day until you sweat 'n breathe heavy
get out in nature
no cheating

dont consume much internet or tv
get good sleep
dont do alcohol or nicotine



Theres definitely been some interesting things being researched and ideas explored in the field of Psychobiotics, with regard to gut microbiome and its link to mental health and well-being.

While not directly related to mood swings, something I’ve found interesting is with regards to fermented foods and reduced anxiety/stress levels.
I’d heard for years about people claiming apple cider vinegar would help burn fat, and yet everything I’ve read in recent years says it doesnt work.
But my thought is, if stress and anxiety can cause the body to store more fat, then surely something that reduces anxiety will help the body reduce fat too.
So perhaps it does work for reducing the amount of fat being stored (if youre already stressed), but doesnt work at burning fat that is already stored.

Maybe I’m just high, and I need to read this back tomorrow :smile:



Yes with lot’s of animal proteins and enzymes.

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Robert :clap: THE LEGEND :clap: Sapolsky :clap:

A few months ago I read his book Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers. Honestly it’s one of the only books I’ve ever thought I should gift to everyone I know.

For anyone who deals with stress, whether physical or mental, it is an essential read. Pretty sure that covers everyone haha


that touches on one thing almost everyone discounts when talking about things like this: the placebo effect. it’s real and there is no satisfactory explanation for it, other than the body can heal itself when the mind tells it to.

on a side note, maybe you are but is that a problem?