Can mood swings be stabilized with diet?

Since I’ve switched to the carnivore diet I sleep much better and no longer have anxiety. It’s all caused by what we eat. It’s crazy all the little things dr.s have never been able to help with have gone away. My mother in law recently switched cause she has a list of minor issues as an older lady. She never sticks to a diet lol well she’s sticking to this one because she feels better than she can ever remember. She’s suffered from ibs like stuff I don’t ask but she sees a gastroenterologist so that’s my guess. She also has suffered from allergies her entire life she can remember. A few other things that drs could never help with. Now on the carnivore diet she feels amazing, she goes out without worrying. About where a bathroom is. She no longer suffers from allergies her knees and hands feel better. My wife’s friend is a bad diabetic we’re trying to talk her into it so she finally asked her dr and he said yes we like the results we’re seeing you should try it. We hope she does. Cancer is a good one facts we know about cancer. It starts with damaged/dead cells, it feeds of sugar (glucose, sucrose +) it can’t survive on fatty acids. No sugar no cancer! Autophogy is our bodies defense against damaged/dead cells. I could keep going but I researched this for about two years on and off before deciding to switch the family and it’s been the best decision ever. I suggest anybody with any health issues that drs haven’t been able to help try it strict for 30 days you won’t go back. Plants and sugar are what’s killing us not beef. I’m disabled but am absolutely shredded now just from eating right. I don’t work out most my time is spent on the couch lying down my entire back is a mess which feels better on carnivore but not sure it will fix all the damage at least not this fast lol. I share because i care


Every night i get Broken sleep usually around 4 hours sleep sometimes 3 but never consecutive.Its been like this as long as i could remember and its kind of like torture in a way.Your days and nights just kind of blend together and you live in this Fog inbetween worlds on auto pilot like adam sandlers movie with that remote constantly exhausted


The only positive thing about it is sometimes the quiet dark solitude can be pleasant.


This is also True.My Favorite time is at 3am.It also seems the be my neighbor the one who smokes meth, to go out and try and rob shit out of peoples sheds and garages and change cups in all the cars on the block.Ive made eye contact with him on several occasions and he strolls right by knowing im on to his shit.Got to keep them guessing

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We try to stay away from ultra process foods sources.
They wreck your gut biome, as the process removes, natural goodies in food, and they then replace it fortified vitamins, that really do nothing for you, but make bowel goop, and kill off the goodies.
We have found, making more vegetables , cooked way less than mom ever did, LOL, fills you up better, and keeps your body on a steady processing mode.
We also, about 20 years ago, stopped using any type of margarine, and went to butter. No canola oils, nor lard, fried foods have mostly been wiped out also, we just do not care for them anymore.
We take no medicines, but do take vitamins.
We once would take 2 blood test’s a year, but the past 10 or so to 1 per year, since our numbers are now pretty decent. Lots more work is needed for us honestly.
We reduced our meat intake, and added more vegetables, but no desire to be a ridged vegan.
We also drink, LOTS and LOTs of water. I love coffee, but keep my amount down now as I’m older. I’ve grown to detest the taste of soda, or flavored water, they just yuck me out anymore.
If we want something sweet, we make it. Or something sugary, we make it, as we can reduce the usual enormous of sugar, for FAR less and still love the item.
Wish you all the best health you can have.


This is also true :rofl: :+1:

Great chat everyone - stoners can fix almost anything

Edit There’s a lot to respond to here & I’d like to reply to several of the comments.

Will probably be learning about strange refrigerator contents (@Foreigner’s is mostly plastic army men from what I recall)

Thanks again for all the replies


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I melted them down with a dab torch and now I have puddle men. Ready for all your puddling needs.


imo yes. when i was doing keto/carnivore eating once or twice a day i was never really hungry or thinking what am i gonna eat later should i get one or two bags of chips so i dont have to go out tomorrow…

when im on carbs… skip breakfast miss lunch 2 pm comes around i will stab you in the eye with a chair leg if i dont get the sugar im craving.i will be snappy short and miserable. not to metnion the over snacking that comes after lol

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now thats a puddelin…


Need to sneak up on somebody through a puddle? Have a got the army man for the job for you…

I let the plastic dinosaurs live though. They threatened me.


dinosaurs are a myth lol… those are just birds and cgi. dont let bill gates fool you


Interesting because I have a plastic Tyrannosaurus right next to a plastic Zeus. Also in the fridge of course.

Don’t want that plastic to expire.


if it expires just make margerine with it. the chemicals extend its consumable time.

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Shelf stable since 1741 - better than army rations!

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but it doesnt come with a chiclet gum and stale smoke. so is it really better ?

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Ahh but you didn’t ask what I have in my cupboards. You might be pleasantly surprised.

I have stale smoke and stale excel gum.

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its meth isnt it. nothing else would surpise me lol

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Oh no I consume that right when I get it. In the car on the way home.

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cant let it expire like the plastic heh

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Possession? It’s all gone sucker, too late.

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