Can mood swings be stabilized with diet?

lol. and you cant charge me for murder when i was so high i didnt even see those 4 kids playing road hockey! wreckless driving at best !

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Thats what the expiration date on bottled water is for

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I was reading the news and it looks like youth hockey leads to violence and sexual assault. Did the world a favour really.

And I’m Canadian which makes this anti-hockey opinion very unpopular. But I’m comfortable with that.

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no one had it coming to them who didnt deserve it eh! don cherry somewhere.

sorry grapes i still luv u

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This water has been on the earth for millions of years. It was once dinosaur pee. Now that we have bottled it it is expired.

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The street is for cars, dummies.

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that and my mcdonalds garbage !

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I like to feed the left over lettuce from my mcchicken to the birds. Little do they know I’m fattening them up so I can eat them. Like a witch.

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just dont target the crows. some say they are as smart as a 4 year old. might stuff you in a oven

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I would eat a 4 year old. They are no match for me. Good meat on them too. We are talking about eating regularly after all.

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unless you get the ethiopean brand. all bone and kinda lack flavour

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I buy them out of the trunk of a car like my caviar.

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i bet its a chevy caprice. those trunks were huge


Makes for good selection.

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Makes for a good cop car :thinking:


Two in the front, two in the back, two in the back back.

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I’m bringing the scissors later today & cleaning up the thread :sweat_smile: fyi

Really giving me some hope



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