I found this growing on the side of my house that i barely walk to. It looks like a sativa thats had around 4-5 weeks of growth. No idea where this came from so either the prior homeowner planted seeds or someone threw them over the fence prior to my move in. Can someone confirm this?
Nah thats just a regular weed. You can download the PictureThis app (comes with a free trial) or use the plant.id website for free and it will tell you what it thinks it is Here are plant.id’s best guesses. I’ve been identifying all the wild grasses behind my house, it’s pretty fun.
Goldenrod is an herb that is worth having around, it attracts beneficial insects that eat nonbeneficial insects harassing your garden. Also, there are many health benefits to growing and harvesting your own Goldenrod … it does a body good in many ways!