Is this marijuana?

Took my boy and his friend fishing today at Native trout stream they wanted to explore and play so only caught one 4 inch brown trout but did find this about a foot from river. So I’m takeing it home so no fish to take home but didn’t go emty handed. So on a closer look not sure if it is marijuana the seed leaf has a stem that separates from main stem and has flips pointing down what do you think? The seed leaf throws me off.


One vote for no.The cotyledons don’t jibe.


Second that


Does it have a mint smell if you rough it up? Sorta looks like spearmint.Still nice to have if it is,can be invasive in some places.

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U can always go back to the spot and throw some seeds where u found that :wink:


The shiny, rounded edge leaves almost look like poison oak to me, although the mature plants have 3 leaflets on each leaf (hence the whole leaves of three, let it be saying)


Mint would have a square stem


I looked around alot and found no Native plants or seedlings that look simular could of washed down. There is no smell even sniped leaf tip with fingernail. I’m a landscaper and weed alot of seedlings and it’s not poison oak not mint. I have seen trees that their seedling have simular leaf but stem is thicker and woody.

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@GlassJoeGrows may be right. Kinda looks like poison ivy or oak. Hope i’m very wrong.

Agree on the cotyledons not looking right, but pop em in a pot. You’ll know in a couple weeks.

25 or so years ago in Ohio i had a flat tire on the side of the freeway. While swapping the spare i looked over and saw a couple dozen small seedlings not much larger than what you posted there, still single leaves but looked right. Scooped them up took em home and grew em out. Was definitely weed.


Another no vote

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I’d really say no, but in the doubt I still suggest planting it. What does the plastic bag say ? Maybe someone threw his empty weed pouch and one seed was left ?

it’s not that one for sure. short leaves on the bottom are way too small compared to the picture. i’d grow it, looks like pot to me.

Not cannabis. The cotelydons are completely different


it very well could be pot. i’ve grown plants that look identical to it starting out.

Close, but no cigar! Ya like my pun? :crazy_face:
I’d have to agree with others. The cotelydons are what gives it away. But I guess wait and see!

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I placing 1 vote for Kenaf.

Blackberry and Raspberry look like that when they’re young.



I Can rule out
poison ivy
Poison oak
Any brambles
The bag its in is blunt wraps found 20 yards up river at a Swimming hole -party spot should of mentioned before. After much thought I think it is marijuana judgeing where it was found and the age of the plant. We had a little drought and now alot of rain and cotelydons where probably under water and started to rot a twisted down from excess water. But could be totally wrong but its in veg room after peroxide soak.


Grow it out and keep us updated, now I am kinda intrigued by your find! :face_with_monocle::nerd_face: