*Mystery strain* any guesses on what strain it may be?

Just started growing. This is my second grow and yes shes crowded. The second plant wasn’t supposed to get this big or so I thought. On the left is her sister and she’s looks nothing like her big sister to the right.

I posted this on Reddit and some one said it resembled a land race and was told to put it in here to see what it could be since I got these seeds in a street bag and never learned her name sadly :frowning:

The first set of photos are from the smaller plant on the left. The last two pictures are from the plant to the right which is the one is believed to be a landrace.


Welcome to OG @Simple. Have no idea what strain that could be but who knows, many folks here with a ton of knowledge so you may find an answer. Drop by the introduce yourself thread and say hi to everyone when you get a chance.


No way to know bromigo…you will know when you smoke it if it’s a Sativa or Indica that’s about it.


Won’t know for sure but my guess is Mexican. It looks like a nice plant, and looks mainly sativa. My guess is you liked the smoke if you saved the seed so bet you will like the finished plant. Just keep a close eye on it for male flowers so if it turns into a hermaphrodite it doesn’t pollinate your other plants.


I second comacus. Especially if a bagseed of unknown then looks like that growing. It’s some form of Mexican cash crop. Does not mean it’s trash at all. But keep eyes open for intersex as in nature that’s part of how they survive.
Me. I’d be thinking run her out see if she herms. Take clones though. You don’t know what you got til you don’t got it.

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Im holding clones of Acapulco now that I swore I was trashing but changed mind on. But running a couple the clones off the disappointing mothers the clones are actually are suprising me. They are far better this time than first time I ran em.

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oh hey man! welcome to og! i was that redditor who suggested you come on over here. glad to see you dropped by. i’m still pretty new myself, but happy to see you on these boards. i’m excited to see your progress on these babies, and hopefully in due time we can figure out what they are. but ultimately, if the smoke is good that’s all that matters right?


well no way for sure but we need details. smells? what week of flower are you in? how much did she stretch? what area of the us are you in? if you are in an illegal state I vote south American sativa out the gate.


I would not throw her out of bed, er flower area.

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As others have said before me, it’s hard to determine 100% off photos alone, what dose she smell like?
Looks frosty :cold_face: hope it’s a great strain!