Canada Legalizes Cocaine

Ok, so maybe I’m click baiting here, but this seemed authentic to me…


Wtf if that’s real I’ve seen it all now! Haha

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This claim has been met with a sharp political response. There is a move to decrim in some places. It’s sort of the Wild West. Different places have different ideas on what the right move is.


Looks like a lot of Canukadan’s will be pulling some all niters if this come to fruition!!!


Going full port in XTRX!!! :chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::rocket::crescent_moon:

@Cormoran are you with me!?!

.10 beginning of the year…ran to 2.00 Friday…lol…holy hell!!


That’s wrong lol I think they misread the fine print


Quick, quick, sell, sell!!!
XTRX :chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend::fire:


Oooook wtf is going on

As usual, I am not. :stuck_out_tongue: Small cap, up 700% on the year based on news alone but still down 50% from ATH; and apparently they now aren’t even licensed even though they were yesterday? It’s gonna go somewhere and it’ll probably be a strong move, but I have no conviction about which direction.


LOL!! Yeah…I might steer clear. Always a pleasure, sir!


No way I saw that coming! On the other hand, maybe it hasn’t… :man_facepalming: :laughing:

Got my attention. Lol

That’s a today’s news grab. So… ya, was actually published yesterday.
EDIT: Upon further review, it appears these two companies misrepresented a license given to produce cocaine and other drugs strictly for “medical and research purposes”
I’m assuming the companies used the misinformation to enhance their, ah, stock values maybe?
Canadian Prime Minister pulled out his Pimp Hand and put The Immediate Smackdown on the idea that Canada would be furthering the decriminalization of scheduled narcotics.

Sorry folks, I was bamboozled as well. Just goes to show you how fast misinformation can be spread. And squashed.

Both articles came out yesterday, one as the result of the other.


Oh, well…where’s my cartel homies at?
download (4)

Those narco guns look so cool though.


In other news…

That’s how I wanna go😆

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I’m gonna go with sell…

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There is no other solution to the drug war & overdose deaths.

All drugs must be legalized & have basic regulations for purity.

Drugs kill people because they have no idea what or how much they’re taking.

This is not a political stance, it’s basic common sense. Legal sales & Education… instead of death & mass incarceration :+1: :heart: :peace_symbol:



Just to play devil’s advocate… even if they’re legalized, how does that stop people from producing them illegally, ignoring the basic regulations for purity and undercutting the legal market with all its unavoidable taxes? I have a hunch that’s what would happen. Most people would go for what’s cheaper and assume the bad stuff is gonna happen to someone else. Then we’d just have to sit here listening to politicians droning on about diversion and bad actors and needing to crack down on the black market for two drugs. :stuck_out_tongue: Granted, I’d rather have more freedom than less myself, but I just don’t see it fixing a lot of problems on a macro scale. The year after Oregon decriminalized, its overdose rate increased by more than the previous year. Not by much, granted, but even if we consider it consistent at a 35-40% increase per year that’s not exactly a grand success.


As of Jan. 31, 2023, all adults 18 and older in BC will be able to possess up to 2.5 grams of certain illicit substances without being subject to fines, arrest or drug seizures.
That goes for cocaine, methamphetamine, ecstasy and opioids like heroin, fentanyl, and morphine.