Other Techniques for Income

If you need income, don’t have a way to “monetize” cannabis, aren’t into the 9 to 5 wage slave life style, there are other ways to create income. (If you have paying work you love, congratulations!) I have found dividends from the stock market works for me. If you’re young, and don’t have a lot of cash, you can build up a good income over the years. I’m no stock guru, but I do know a few basic things. The most important factor in the “market” is also the hardest to get: GOOD INFORMATION. Anybody interested but have no idea how to get in, I’ll be glad to give a few basics. Anybody who knows about the market please join in. If you have other ways to make income let us know.


After a couple of years of trading I’ve learned a lot…but know nothing…lol. Have played the OTC, big boards, crypto. Crypto I’m doing pretty well, but have had my ass handed to me every other way.
Supply and demand zones, market caps, catalysts, hot sectors, sympathy plays, etc…I still don’t know wtf I’m doing…lol.
But not giving up… :chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::rocket::crescent_moon:
In the process of learning how to watch/read the calls and puts being made and “follow the flow”.
Any advice you could give would be awesome!!!


For instance…fomo’d into a position today in POWW. Maybe check the chart and have a quick news search and lemme know your opinion…maybe take a glance at VERB too…lol


I’m in for information

Load me up!

I’m not qualified to advise on stocks to buy or sell. But looking at Yahoo Finance board on POWW, i have to say the numbers look not great, but very good. P/E/ a little high at 25. Beat their 3rd quarter expectation. “Authorized” to buy back $30,000,000 worth of their own stock, a very good thing, because it makes the value of your stock worth a little more, but it’s only “authorized” which means it may or may not happen. More cash than debt! It’s been going down overall during the past 6 months, High volume - looks like it’s heavily traded. Take care. High short interest (13.1% ) as of !/22/22. Book Value Per Share $3.08.
Looks like they went up today on the good news. Will that continue? Will folks take profits? I don’t know this stock (or many other stocks) so i don’t know how it moves. But over all it looks good? I might keep an eye on this one myself, but with no options, probably won’t buy in. I live on dividends. Good luck!


What do you want to know? Well, for information on terms “Investopedia” is good. For basic, general info, what i use for the most part, Yahoo Finance. Put the stock in the box and you can get all sorts of good info.
I have day traded and got into options and lost in both. For the past 7 years I’ve been big on high dividend stocks that pay monthly. Mainly REIT’s (Real Estate Investment Trust) BDC’s (Business Development Corporation). If they pay out a certain amount of their revenue in the form of a dividend they get big tax breaks so for instance one stock I own is paying over 15%. It’s a gamble, not a good company and has to sell more and more of its stock to pay the dividend. Dropped it’s divy by .01 (One cent) and I instantly lost a little over $100 a month. Poof. The market can be like that. Thankfully i had sold a bunch of it before that happened. I own others that are better companies pay from 8% to 10% monthly which is good. Are you in the market or thinking about it? Looking for income or capitol appreciation? Being in dividends I’m in for income.


I don’t trade the pinks or pennies anymore, mainly cuz too much pump n dump and my online broker (Schwab) now charges $6 in and out on those. Listed stock trades are free.


Ugh… I watched poww for so long… I finally pulled the trigger (ha ha) and watched it go down. Sold at a 45% loss lol glad it was a small position… SWBI was good to me. And BTE.TO is my best to date… up 80% lol


I used to do a little day trading. Marginal success at low stakes and too chickenshit to put in serious dollars.


My individual stock picks generally were not great. I tended to buy late on the hype, and then sell at a loss. Not a great formula for success.

Now I tend to use a more conservative approach, and invest in Index Funds and ETFs There are many Dividend ETFs that one could use to build an income stream from dividends.

I’m building positions in Vanguard Dividend Growth and and Wellesley Income Fund. Neither are “high dividend” funds but offer a safer alternative for me as a conservative investor.

My hope is by the time I retire both will be built up enough to provide a nice income stream!


Most people who trade lose. Taught me to be conservative economically and liberal socially… I was in Vanguard for a while. Solid company and if you are young enough or have enough to make a large investment, you’re set. I have one ETF, OXLC pays monthly, current yield 11.6% and one qualified dividend monthly payer HRZN current yield 7.5% I have two others dividend monthly payers, one currently yielding 17%!!! but it’s a shaky company so I’m selling it a little at a time. Good luck!


POWW looks like a trading stock which means swimming with the sharks The numbers look pretty good, but I think gun sales are down Remington filing 2nd bankruptcy, etc. I don’t know much more about it. I’m sticking with high paying dividends.

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Most day traders lose. Too many sharks in that pond. I’ve been doing well with dividends from REITs and BDC’s.


Im still digesting the terminology of it all.

These posts have me off to a good start. I like learning from my own people ! lol

Im in Canada I think it’s the Toronto stock exchange.

I go through little phases every winter about investing.

It would be something long term and safe that I would be interesting. That real estate one sounds good also .

I’ll keep reading you guys’ posts .

I will most likely invest in my own business & grow - I have been operating since dec 2012 .
I also will invest in my own self with education and knowledge .

It would be nice to get to the point I can invest in something that requires little management and pays dividends. If I had that kind of $ I would invest in other people with promise of returns.



Investing in your education is ALWAYS a good thing. If you have your own business and you really like doing it, do it. The stock market gig, is mainly for us older folks. But it can be a good thing for young folks, especially if they have even a little cash left over at the end of the month and are willing and able to let it ride and add a little until they don’t want or are unable to work anymore. Just don’t go with a fly by night stock. Do a little research before investing. Good luck!


This is the way. Total US market, total international market and total bond market indexes. Set it and forget it.


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I used to buy physical Silver. Stopped doing that as I’ve moved on to greener pastures. Last year I sold my house, and put it all in crypto. In retrospect I think I should have just done all Bitcoin. Now I just dca BTC with whatever I can. It goes up, it goes down. I just watch my plants grow :smiley:


Breads and sausages trying to up it to small personal pizzas as well lol