Canada Legalizes Cocaine

Fentanyl comes quick for you. Don’t fuck around with anything. About 10 years ago. I was violently ill for 7 years. I had a massive hiatal hernia that went misdiagnosed for that 7 years. My body was slowly starving to death. I was living alone and had some Zanax bars. They weren’t RX. I had a full size dinner plate with 3 sonic tacos on it. I took a 1/4 of the first zanny bar and sat on the edge of my bed to eat these tacos. I woke up many hours later. I had fallen back onto my back with the plate on my chest and taco shit all over my face. I have no doubt that was fentanyl. As sick as I was. I was smart enough to flush those down the toilet. To close for me. Never again.


We pretend laws will keep your kid from doing drugs. They get fentanyl laced Xanax like @ColeLennon got & die.


We flood the market with known/regulated drugs, educate people & if they get addicted, we give them help if they need it. Just like we help people with diabetes, if they get addicted to sugar.

FML… if we can’t even convince cannabis people, who ran/hid & went to jail for their drug, then I guess we’re screwed Cole :laughing:


Scary shit man. :100: I didn’t even eat one of those 3 tacos. Thank god I swallowed what was in my mouth before I fell out.

There isn’t “one good” answer to fix it unfortunately.

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Not only should they be legal they should be free. Societal costs of criminalizing addiction, cops, courts, public defenders, prison, how much does that cost?

Maybe with a doctors note. I don’t claim to have all the answers.

A lot. One junkie stealing your car stereo costs an unbelievable amount of money. White powder is cheap.


Yup! :+1: :+1:

Damn, I can see on this one I am against the flow, no problem there, but I really feel what I wrote.

Comunity run on rules so there isn’t a big chaos.

The system is a crap wherever you are, but no tax payer wants their money to cover for someone problem, specially one adiction that leads to crime.

If you give them doses they will want more and more because that is why they are called hard drugs. They will have one freebie and then they will go after your stereo to pay for another fix.

Now I think the numbers spoken are real but not all are inmates for drugs, you have expenses with the penal system because there are so many of you, and obviously more people lead to more problems so there are some confusion about being in jail for drugs or not vs expenses.

I really don’t know about Colombia, coutrie of cocaine but I suspect it is a warm place with a lot of safety problems, more than where we live and cocaine is a pretty standard thing there.

There are no correct answers but If we can’t control it, it is better to be phorbiden.

And I promisse I won’t say anything more about this subject as I am unable to understand the reazons behind your position, but you are entitled to it and I respect you all anyway.

So I won’t be buzzing about this.


Hey man it’s cool. I have no problem with you disagreeing me. I welcome it.

I’ll just add that tax dollars are going to pay for the problem either in a proactive way or an after the fact way. :+1:


Ahhh… I have to agree that if I could get a gram of cocaine or specially mdma, I would probably use once a year.
As it is not no temptation, so I rationalize like if it is hard the consumers will be kept at a minimum, if it is easy, more will fall.

More falling equals to bigger expenses overall no?

But the thing isn’t about money actually, or is it?
If it’s about money, yeah, legal.
If it’s about society social behaviour, illegal.

Oh I don’t know if you differ drugs like we do but cocaine I know, and the most dangerous that makes you hungry for more.
Mdma as a crystal power, much better than cocaine all the ways but it isn’t ecstasy.

Ecstasy pill is a very small amount of mdma with speed. And not the same as mdma like I have read many times.

Heroin must be the worst, usually injectable so a no no for me, needle panic and I never tried.

So if you know how starving you get for more, you know how many fall in a snap, and if it’s there…

In my case I feel safer knowing that we need to go down some shady roads to get it and if you go there is because you really want to.

Probably a limited point of view of me but I think I can manage to understand if you explain it to me.


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I once read a white paper study about the societal impacts of smoking. It said everything you probably think it said but what really struck me was that it wasn’t framed in terms of human tragedy but in terms of lost man hours to the economy. That’s pretty telling to me about what policy makers think.

It’s much easier for youths to get drugs than it is alcohol. I happen to believe alcohol is awful but regulation, of some kind, helps mitigate some harms.

Our prisons are bloated, mostly because of drugs and their societal impact. Police budgets are the same way.

The crux of the argument is to take big chunks of those budgets away and use them for harm reduction strategies. Good luck with that though, powerful lobbies etc.

Moralizing about what people ought to do is ineffective. People are going to do drugs. We can either demonize them or help them the best we can.

Shit alcoholism and drug addiction are already considered medical issues and I think they should be treated as such.

It’s also a poverty issue but that’s another argument.


How much of this white powder do you reckon one could get for say, two car stereos?


Bring me the whole car and we can talk.


True, my arguments are the same that I used to hear about cannabis.
And it is so strange!
First because I am a cannabis user, and second because I tried some of the drugs we spoke.

And I can tell it was the nights of my life, no regrets.

But I would never tried if I wasn’t 100 per cent informed and if I wasn’t being baked up with a friend who I thrust and prepared me to enjoy those with some rules and stuff that I can share if someone is thinking of trying amd don’t want to get lost.

And for me it was the most important thing while enjoying hard drugs, be able to see the limits and show to my friend I was able to stay on top of my mind actually made me stay on top of it.

Honestly I hate what alcohol does to society and I don’t drink as an habit, maybe a scotch with a joint if I had a bad week but I think alcoholic drinks are way worst than our cannabis but the lobbys and society acceptance make it legal to most but I have to put myselft in a situation caused by a drunk driver and there is no money that can pay for someone you love life.

Thank you for your time, now I understand that we live in very different worlds and although I know, I tend to forget about the 21 american rule that I will never understand.

Portugal at 18 you respond for yourselft so you can drive, drink, smoke tabacco and no one wull say anything.

Back in the days, with 14 - 16 we would go to the local shop and the shop would sell us a pack of beer or whatever we wanted to buy as long as we had the money, today’s rules are much tight.
At 16 because I am european big, american mid size, I could enter bars and discos as long as I could catch me a group of older girls to enter with an no one asked ID.

Times has changed, rules are enforced to the establishments and yeah looks like in America is easyer to get to illegal drugs over more acepted stuff that is legal but they need to wait longer or ask the older neighbors son…

What’s going on with the world?

As we, young people can manage to go around the system, they go for hard drugs because they’re there! :grin:

The diference is that here you can have alcohol and at 18 you make all the shit because of big boozes, and then you grow a little and alcohol isn’t what you want.
If you want to score some hard drugs you need to be in those circles of people, usually artists, musicians, djs and producers that contact with someone who can bring something good or no way you get anything reliable or good.
It’s a shady road you need to go and remain every now and then so they don’t forget you, not easy, not the road I would choose anyway but as I had a friend…

See what I mean?

For example: there you cook meths on the road, here it is very probable that you can access the same chemicals easier but no one does it, no one wants to play with poison, let pros do it.

But really you made that excellent point I was ignoring and looks like a no turn back stage, if it is more accessible than alcohol, what can I say?

1st Good luck, 2nd better education, 3rd maybe a 21 bill revision to make the other things more acessible than hard drugs, cocked in the back seat of a car that can do everything to you including killing you.

Like you said may not be an right answer…

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It’s true, Europe and North America are very different. The argument I hear is that when your parents allow you to have a glass of wine at dinner when you’re 14 then that takes away the cool rebellion factor and makes it much less attractive to an experimental youth.

The safe supply factor is a big one too. Fentanyl is a big problem.

There’s a lady in Alberta who is suing the government because they won’t allow her safe access to fentanyl so she has to get it on the street which constitutes an unreasonable risk.

Nice dancing around the issues with you :+1:


My wife is a nurse and she explained me that Fentanyl is like morphine a opium based thing so must be very potent and is a problem.

Those medical needs that are ilegal are a worldwide problem, last year we had one article on our news about a couple that started growing their cannabis even baing illegal because one of their daughters need it to stay stable without some kind of seizures and during covid the borders closed and prices doubled so they had to start growing for their daugter and it is a shame that still ilegal to grow for personal use, is like you can have if you sponsor some drug dealers. Witch is aginst the law… Loop hole.

Very nice argument, and constructive conversation.

I will remember to disagree more.



And that about ends this thread… teaching me a valuable lesson. When news ‘breaks’ - wait til it’s 'fixed’:grin:

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The great “white” North :canada: :sweat_smile:

Guy in town has a tailgate sticker that says
“Fentanyl for them all!”

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That’s pretty dumb. Guy’s gonna find someone following him home who lost a loved one to Fentanyl poisoning. :alien:

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I sure as shit wouldn’t ever associate with anyone with something like that, I couldn’t believe it when I saw it