Canada Seed Trading

I think i woke up still a bit altered and confused from last night’s red wine :wine_glass: and thought I was in pm when I wrote that. :upside_down_face: tad embarrassed but I meant it so there it shall stay


I’ve heard for banana that the sagamartha 60/40 is where it’s at if anyone has a lead on those please let me know

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There’s a Banana OG Coop grow underway. The first post mentions sagamartha 60/40 in the lineage…hth. :green_heart:
Banana OG F4 Seed Co-Op -


Ask for his shoes…they’re really nice!

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Anyone have any American confidents who could reship me some seeds from nobody’s nursery? He’ll only do US direct :sob:


Sorry to hear that ! ANYONE ! in the American Cia would smuggle you anything you want for the right price ! No one beats there door to door service ! Better yet if you go see the army I’m sure there’s a couple Oliver Norths there ! It’s funny how the regular guy goes to jail will these guys ow ! (What guys )

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You get a solution for this?

Yes! I’ve found a couple beautiful members to help facilitate the transfer of haze into canada! Thank you again everyone! I’m also searching for a european contact if anyone is in the know?