Canadian Cannabis Act / ACMPR license Q and A

You have thought the FUCK out of that!!

:+1: :sunglasses: :call_me_hand:



my first time getting a prescription i went to a free clinic that didn’t charge any membership or consultation fees, except they only gave 6 month prescriptions and 5g per day was the absolute maximum, despite me telling the lady i go through 5g of wax/shatter a day plus 10g of flower

my 2nd time i bit the bullet and paid a fee for a better clinic which would write 12 month prescriptions of up to 50g/day for first time patients, i received my medical document in the mail a couple weeks later and had no problem being approved by health canada

my third time i tried renewing with the same clinic, i feel i had the option of increasing from 50g/day but didnt find it necessary so stayed where i was, except this time my health canada application was denied due to failing to submit an original medical document because the doctor (different doc than my 1st time with this clinic) initialed a spot that specifically said “do not initial here if customer will be producing their own as initialing will render this document a copy instead of an original”

i have phoned the clinic and left messages, i have e-mailed the clinic, and i have e-mailed the doctor directly to try remedying the situation and no one has gotten back to me in probably 2 months now… not sure if they’re closed because of covid but i’m pretty pissed because i paid $375 for the prescription and it was denied by health canada so basically a waste of money … i need to mail the document back to the clinic so the doctor can white out her initials and then sign/initial beside the alteration but i can’t get a hold of anyone and its extremely frustrating

i had to shut my whole grow down because i received my declined application on a friday and then my landlord texted me the same day saying a bank appraiser is coming to walkthrough the house the following monday, so i wasn’t going to risk having an illegal grow and had to get rid of everything on very short notice…

i am going to call the clinic again tomorrow and leave another message because this is total bullshit… i paid good money the least they can do is what they said they would


Oh my… that is just so friggin awful. I sincerely hope you can get yourself back on track ASAP. Is the house being appraised for your landlord to sell?


My Dr did the same thing a couple years back took a month to get my license back once he fixed that stupid check mark and I resent to health Canada .


no i think he was just taking a loan out against the property

ya it’s ridiculous because it took like 3 or 4 months after mailing my renewal application to get the rejection letter back, and so it’s probably been almost 2 months since i first contacted the clinic and doctor without any return call… but even if the clinic phoned me back tomorrow it would probably be another 4 months to get my approval back from health canada …

it’s really upsetting because this clinic had been excellent and has a guaranteed flat rate regardless of the prescription size, not one of those scam clinics that wants $1500 for a 50gpd script. i’m not sure if the clinic is closed due to covid, or they are just ignoring me for some reason???


Glad it’s just a loan thing… I’ve been down that demovicted by shady lawbreaking developers road before. Its grim.


I’m not trying to be argumentative, but that’s not true. The license requires owners permission even if you are growing for yourself, it’s clearly stated in the portion of the application that is for personal growing (there are entirely different sections of the application for personal and designated growing). BC’s laws are superceded by federal laws which acmpr falls under.

I may be mistaken, but am pretty certain about this. To eliminate doubt why not create a throwaway gmail or protonmail account and ask health Canada directly to ask them directly? I can do it if you’d like. Again I’m not trying to be a jerk, I’m just stating this in the interest of clarity and accuracy here. If I’m correct neglecting this aspect of the application would almost certainly nullify the license which would defeat the entire purpose.

I’ll shoot health Canada an email during the day tomorrow for clarification on this…


Hey man no problem, not taking any offense at all over here. The whole reason i started this thread was a desire for clarity and accuracy. The fact that I crack wise like an ass should in no way be read as a lack of desire to get this straight and proper for all the good people of OG. I absolutely appreciate your effort in calling me on my shit if it might not be correct. We don’t want to be steering people astray here and we’re all in it together.

So the reason I think I’m good on this is two things, the first being that the form I filled out for Health Canada specifically said to skip section whatever that comes below my address if it’s my primary residence. I was careful, read it three times and watched the video guide from the consulting clinic twice. The section it said to skip was the property owner section.

The other reason I think I’m good is that I specifically inquired about exactly this with the guys at license to grow before I went through with them. They said I was good, so if they are wrong and it’s all for naught I will be wanting my money back! I certainly hope they wouldn’t fudge that detail on me to make a sale but we shall see.

So yeah, shoot that email if you’d be so kind, I’m truly looking forward to seeing what Health Canada says about this. Thanks for your efforts, and your doubts, this is how we all figure it out! :wink:


You are 100% correct about needing the actual owner to sign off on it if you are growing for yourself and do not own the location.



Look really closely everybody…

The proposed production site is my ordinary place of residence OR…

If you answered yes please skip section A2 and move to Section A3.


Thanks, I meant to dig that out but I had my hands full!


Well you send in your forms however you want. I can tell you from experience they will be sent back to you ( many months later ) for being incomplete if the person who owns the address does not sign off on there being a grow there.
So yes if you have ownership of where you live . Renting and leases are not ownership


That was the older 2019 form. And yes, it was confusing. You DO have to have consent. Here is the latest form that I just submitted in June/July. It is not as confusing.

btw . . . I have not received my renewal yet.


The government being ambiguous?? NO WAY lol

I thought I remembered it like the second form but don’t have my copies with me. It’s looking like you do need permission but I’ll email them anyways to get a clear answer from the source. It turns out Jim Smith has a few questions for health Canada lol


Hey if your emailing them mine if you ask another question to them?

Can you ask them what’s involved in getting a nursery license maybe they have a sheet listing what’s required to have that type of license?


Sure why not… Jim Smith is a curious man


Ha. It’s good you are asking. I believe I was wrong above. I went back & stepped my way through the doc & there is this . . .

And section 7 is the indoor/outdoor question. So that skips the whole owner’s permission bullshit.

So . . . As long as you have given them your correct home address - apt # etc etc, you should be good to go. I think . . .


I was looking at this specific section and I agree, however you would have to leave the question above unchecked (I believe)
If you check the box above then you would have to go to section 6.
Is that correct?
I am asking as it is NB to my situation and makes a difference on how I submit my renewal.


I didn’t need any owners permission for the initial granting and also renewal. In my case I am just growing for myself and it’s where I live.