Cannabis as the cure for cancer

it’s amazing - the US government actually has a website detailing the medical efficacy of cannabis for cancer and other illnesses, yet continues to wage the drug war:


In my country many people believe they won’t legalize weed, just because there’s a couple of moguls/thieves that grow and sell, so it would actually go against their businesses.

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An example of human ego and greed if it is true.

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This is the unfortunate nature of humanity!

Those in positions of power (and money), will do whatever it takes to protect their positions.

There is way too much money to be made by corrupt individuals in powerful positions taking advantage of the prohibition of all drugs. Law enforcement and political opportunists have zero incentive to change anything.

So very pathetic and sad.
Time to smoke a bowl. :sunglasses:


Well I do believe that it is mainly pharmaceuticals businesses that block through latent lobbying full legalization of marijuana in Europe.

And words of Lumir Hanus, leading scientist on the field of marijuana usage for cancer cure (In Jerusalem), confirms it.


Pharma-zooticals! They are guilty as charged. I haven’t heard lately, but nobody has won the $100,000.00 reward, offered in the “Emperor wears no clothes”

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Shits messed up. They know how good it is. But money man. They need that money

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My state has seized control like a pack of gangland rip off dope dealers with armed thugs to beat you up, rob your stash and lock you up.

They want you to buy from them. Sound familiar?

Whether cannabis can actually “cure” cancer has yet to be determined.
Regardless, alleviation of suffering is demonstrable.