Michigan wants to study marijuana’s health benefits. It’s not easy

Rick Doblin, MAPS founder, and Sisley of the Scottsdale Research Institute


A lot of people don’t get this is part of why it’s so important cannabis gets rescheduled. Really it should be legal but that would take a bill passing congress itself.


@leetdood Actually the reschedule was addressed in this article:

“In 2022, Biden signed the Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act, meant to speed approval of permits. Regardless of whether the drug is reclassified, legal experts argue, restrictions on marijuana research remain under the 2022 act. “Not only does it make cannabis research harder than ever, but it cements its backward, anti-science regime in place for good,” Shane Pennington, a D.C. attorney who specializes in regulatory issues involving controlled substances, wrote in an analysis.”

A link to the following article was also provided: https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2023/11/22/marijuana-rescheduling-research-penalties/


I saw that

I meant people in general


@leetdood Rescheduling marijuana may just be political as it would only amount to another symbolic win for us in the quest to normalize the drug. It really doesn’t matter if it is done as dictated in the law (CSA 1970) by the Attorney General, by another act of Congress (as you suggest) or simply an executive order by the President IMHO


I don’t think a change in sentencing category and allowing medical research is purely symbolic

It’s a small win and it’s not enough

But it’s a small win

It’s legal in my country so I think full legalization and deregulation is the final goal. But it’s been a long road for the USA


When I say deregulation what I mean is after the end of alcohol prohibition for example, Big Alcohol had a chokehold on all legal alcohol sales and it was hard to enter this market. That’s not good for competition or the consumer.


That 13 years of Alcohol Prohibition, that established organized crime and black markets in this country, was enacted with the 18th Amendment and repealed with the 21st Amendment to our Constitution by We the People. The good old days of the rule of law …

50 years later we faced this Drug War via DC based lawfare (the Controlled Substance Act of 1970) an act simply passed by the will of Congress that lead to historic rates of imprisonment in this country among many other harms. As we still face/fight it today nearly 75 years later and clearly without the will of We the People, something really went wrong long ago in DC IMHO


The war on drugs went worldwide, it was not just DC

Very uphill battle. Even nowadays people don’t understand the impact of war on drugs and just focus on cannabis

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Indeed, it is a product that was successfully sold globally, but there is no question where, when and how it was created.

Follow the money my friend. The nations migration of wealth to DC over this same time cannot be ignored. What exactly has DC produced in the past 75 years ;-)~


Might be getting too political. Not saying you’re wrong, saying we have to follow the rules here and not get posts flagged

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There’s no shortage of literature on medical benefits now.



Time keeps on slippin… into the future…


Marijuana, or cannabis, is a plant that contains more than 100 chemical compounds called cannabinoids. One of the most well-known cannabinoids, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is the main psychoactive component of marijuana, which causes euphoria and changes in consciousness. While marijuana can be used for recreational purposes, it also has potential for medical use.

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Thanks for that chat gpt.


I did Cannabis research in the 90s. Whoever says Cannabis hasn’t been research is just repeating a line for their own benefit.

Now consider how many studies are done on the medicinal compounds, outside of Cannabis research. There’s a reason the community has been misled by the essential oil terpene nonsense.


Sadly there are far too many special interests pulling us around by the ear my friend. It’s all just a part of the regulatory capture game in general though. What we once called propaganda a century is just now called marketing …


Do you mean PR?


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Yes I do ;-)~