Cannabis Current Events (Part 1)

No argument from me, just refinement…‘zooming out if you will’…

the ‘main problem’ is people who don’t know “regulating” people who know more.

if the gubmit has a stated goal of public health as a priority (:laughing: :dromedary_camel:) then they’d study the plant & publish the findings while allowing unlimited, mostly unregulated use of cannabis.

no doubt what we have is actually a parasite that found a host but thought the host was vacant of other parties/forces. the old prohibition model is still profitable for silly law agencies in many places; without asset fortfeiture they had nothing. in the “legal” states it’s simple arrogance from the political scene tied to their ignorance of “how things actually work”(because they likely never have, see Gavin Newsom).

it’s also a multi-headed organism with well-meaning dummies in the mix too, just like the bigger picture/mess we live in. microscope people :nerd: are likely overzealous in their own passions for accuracy. Bayer/Monsanto people have theirs. :unamused:

when and if federal “legalization” occurs… then we can compare it to alcohol & predict the future. that example tells us what the “regulators” genuinely care most about and that is money.

an example by analogy might be helpful for us all. :thinking:

imagine prostitution. if they tried their hand in that the black market would love them for it. happy ending! :hugging:

or food & restraunts… you KNOW you’d be going to the house on the corner! :laughing: it’d be like eating a Dali painting. :wastebasket: :fork_knife_plate:

so while the voting public is mostly unserved by the laws, their common media & info sources worsen it further.

there is no black market for tomatos. not sure about wine but i’d bet the places like ‘dry’ counties/towns & reservations serve as further demonstration… where commonplace liquor goes WAAAY up in cash value.


i’m happy to see less folks in jail & paying fines for sure. a lot of gardens are ignored by the man. but at this rate i can only see their ill-planned “market” implode. just wait until the rest of the dummies & parasites all catch up & merge with the Canadian exchanges & multi-hundred-billion dollar transnation corps & their proxies buy up the whole game.

(damn this is depressing) :worried: hehehe

which is why we make & give seeds & OVERGROW.

:evergreen_tree: damnnit.


Big doin’s in little Rhode Island.


“One of the world’s most mysterious plants”


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This piece is long overdue.


this Freeman guy in RI sounds like an asshole! so much for “legalization”…NJ, NY, CT, and RI are all talking about no home growing allowed - no gardening…not very “legal”…NH’s bill does include home growing but the governor is going to veto.

He said the illicit market is part of the reason he agrees with the Raimondo administration’s decision to ban home growing for recreational use in their proposal, and cut down the medical home growing plant limit from 12 to six.

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It’s not documented, but there was a asshole in my area killing people he didn’t like with it. Including rolling weed in it. He screwed himself over and is on the run now, so he took care of himself in the end. Last I heard he ran to North Carolina.

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As for the dip try MCT oil and liquid lecithin mixed to create a solution you mix with the flavor and herb of choice.

If only someone would make more.

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They claim he intentionally crawled under the bulldozer they were using to chase him…


a state trooper along with the game commission employee followed him in a bulldozer



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An Accident Turned a Recreational User Into a Medical Marijuana Advocate

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Indirectly cannabis news. Im sure this had effects on the Malawi and La Reunion crops. No cannabis oriented news on this topic at this time.
What’s going on down there @Sunvalley?


Didn’t affect us which I was worried about… Mozambique and Zimbabwe were hit hard


That’s what I was reading, all the crops were destroyed. Glad your neck of the woods is ok. I know your in South Africa. You got alot of plants to worry about. Any growing friends affected?

Yeah didn’t even get a drop of rain here which was weird… Don’t know any growers in those parts, but doubt anyone growing there had their stuff survive

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Sounds like you guys got lucky it missed you. Those numbers they’re putting out for missing/killed are rising fast.

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Has hell finally frozen over in Alabama?