Guaranteed the Feds are going to legalize

I got two calls from headhunters today. Both of them led off with “Do you have a clearance?”

“No, not anymore. I don’t want their microscope in my life every five years. It’s not worth the hassle anymore.”

The second guy who called me cued me in. He said, “That’s what every single person I’ve called this week has said.”

Lying to the FBI nets you two years in prison for each offense and there are a lot of questions about cannabis on the application forms. Sorry I meant “marijuana.”

I’m putting two and two together and guessing that now that cannabis is legal all over the country, and the government has the power to spy on electronic communications without oversight or consequence, nobody wants to take the risk. Additionally, since it’s so easy to buy a vape and get in trouble, nobody wants random drug tests anymore.

So I believe if the Feds don’t legalize they’re going to have a lot of trouble filling those positions. They’re going to HAVE to legalize if they want to stay in business.

It’s coming. Mark my words. That’s what happens when you try to control everything.


They could just drop the testing/questions & proceed as usual. :see_no_evil:

My fear/sense is it will go to schedule 2, pharma gets all the legal production, LEOs get to keep frying small fish, because all homegrowing will be forbidden.

This will shake up the rec legal states who will all have to recalibrate.

The political popularity of that won’t settle easily but idiots & non-users will say “it’s still legal & you can McWeed at 7/11 whats the problem?”

If things DO go backwards & we all have to hide indoors & have no friends, OG & seed sharing has been a major castle wall. :persevere:



This right here :point_up_2: is the truth, if you don’t believe it you are just fooling yourself. And I think they will increase penalties for growing your own, in an attempt to finally crush the black market.


I guess we’ll see and I’ll go on fooling myself then.


I wasn’t disagreeing with anything you said, all of that is very possible, I was just agreeing with @cannabissequoia about them rescheduling and bringing an end to home growers, sorry but that kinda worries me a little.


I have to 100% agree brother, that’s very nerve racking hopefully they don’t increase the penalties for home grows like you mentioned in your first response…

Scary stuff, it just makes no sense to me to fight a plant with the “war on drugs”.

Thanks, Harry Anslinger.


Ya, wait till they up a cultivation charge to 20 years… we’ll see who’s still got the balls then. Oh and fuck Harry Anslinger too!


Yeah man it’s scary here in FL if you have the over 25 plants is the same charge as a 300 plant grow, 15 years…

Which is pretty damn easy to have 25 when counting seedlings clones mothers and flowering plants at once.

That’s why I don’t even have buddies I smoke with here hardly at all, the less folks I deal with the less chance I have anything to worry about like someone running their mouth.

Even immediate family thinks I buy all my smoke.


geez boys those charges are fuckin brutal… thats like medievil bullshit right there.
Nobody should be seeing a jail cell for cultivating cannabis… unless they are an idiot and are selling it to children and teens.


Let’s not forget that Cannabis is still a schedule1 narcotic according to the federal govt. The feds could care less what any state says and could raid anyone they want at any time. It wasn’t that long ago the feds were shutting down dispensaries legally operating according to state laws.
This environment of home-growing could change at any time with the stroke of a pen or the words of a president.
Now I’m not saying this will happen but I am saying it is possible. Just because there is a moratorium on the feds stepping in at the moment doesn’t mean that won’t change in the future. Chances are it won’t and things will get better but I am not betting on anything and why I continue to gather the strains I want just in case of the unknown.


they don’t even need to go that far, just take the questions out about whether you had ever smoked pot before. of course you’re gonna give it up now but if they stopped asking if you had done it before you aren’t lying to them.


It’s “legal” here and still a felony to pop a single seed. The war on people with drugs is still alive and well, the government’s just decided to take profits from the cartels. If we step out of line we get thrown in prison rather than kidnapped and executed in the Mexican desert. It’s an improvement, but not much of one.


I love all the magic gray shit that happens in the background.Can legally grow now but cant pop from seed and transportation of live clones is illegal as well so i guess my plants will be deliverd by the Stork.


“legalisation” will only lead to ‘them’ taking the plant away from us …

and oh boy, did i get my share of hate when i posted
that on a german board around 12 years ago, lol :roll_eyes:



No shades of grey here, it’s all illegal unless you’re a corporation who can pay the proper bribes and are willing to submit to full 24/7 video recording of your grow space. There are dispensaries 20 minutes away where I can get my legally-sanctioned mids for the highest price in the world, but a single seed or plant at any stage of life is a felony for me.


they’ve been the cartel since at least the '60s and probably before.


Woohoo free boost for Canadian weed tourism!

Seriously though, I think the cat’s out of the bag. The real trick will be to not kill the white market completely with federal tax without having a huge fight with states’ profits.

I think anyway.


If the Uk makes it legal ; , then there’s no way they’re gonna let us home grow - THEY will want to control it and SELL us it.

Same old bs …!



In other news, some of us have been growing well over 40 years and don’t give a fuck what the Fed’s or states say or any laws they manufacture. :sunglasses:


amen brother , amen. @avr1

im gonna do what ive been doing since 1972
dgara what johnny says . They aint hunting us anymore , i survived 50 years without being caught , not going to affect or change my ways no matter what they do