USDA Says Genetically Modified Hemp Plant 'May Be Safely Grown And Bred' In The United States next it will work to increase THC production in cannabis plants

Over 10 years ago I brought up this topic on another site and got flamed so bad my ass is still on fire… :hot_face:
Skunkface and his group all said it was not going to happen called me names and tried to make me look silly for saying such a thing.

And so it begins…

USDA Says Genetically Modified Hemp Plant ‘May Be Safely Grown And Bred’ In The United States.

Does USDA offer patent protection for hemp varietals?

Yes, the USDA plant variety protection program offers intellectual property protection to hemp breeders.


Varietal patents do not equal gmos.


Fair enough but as you know GMO patents are easily enforced and easy to obtain.

If hemp GMO is allowed it should reason that GMO cannabis is already in the works, it is the same plant after all.

The company announced earlier this year that it had achieved “the first known stable transformation and regeneration of multiple THC-free hemp cultivars” and in June announced it would work to increase THC production in cannabis plants.

Maybe you were looking for a link to the article if you were I updated the first post. :upside_down_face:
USDA Says Genetically Modified Hemp Plant ‘May Be Safely Grown And Bred’ In The United States.


I’ve been reading seed might become illegal as well man. Wtf


Soon enough they won’t even need the plant they grow cannabinoids in yeast Vats now. Korea has been doing it for years now


Clones will become unclonable.
You will pay Royalties on every clone.


and not just weed seeds. they’re talking vegetable and fruit seeds too.


Very true! :worried:
I have been bitchin’ about that for 10 years too.
People said it was crying wolf.
Looks like the wolf is here MFer’s…WTF??


They can get fucked. I clone my shit. They ain’t charging fucking nothing. I have buckets of seeds. Get fucked!!! Fuck the man!!! Fuck this all I hate it. I can’t believe it all. What in the actual fuck.


Stick it out folks keep your beans, trade beans,make beans flood the world with beans.We’ve been hunkered down in a bunker since the war on drugs began.Dont let the fuckers smoke you out now dig in pop some beans and say Screw you.We will last longer than they will


GMOs Cannabis is a reality since soon a decade in fact.
A more recent chinese stuff, pics are cool and show the process actually promoted to fuck up our plant in all ways :

Make more seeds.


GMO and OMG are the same letters.


If anyone wants a glimpse of what is coming watch the movies future of food and food inc.
Along the lines of making more seed always keep some of your seed stock held back. Monsanto crushed so many small/ medium sized farms by contamination of their seed





When I tried to tell folks about GMO cannabis many years ago, I was ridiculed by sam the skunkface and his groupies.
They tried to paint me as a fool, said I was fearmongering along with other choice names.
I stuck to my guns but proof was very hard to come by back then.

I can not help but wonder if Phylos has a hand in this???
Could they taks some of the samples sent in and modify them and then place a patent on that?

I have said that was their game all along.

Here is a quote from back then…

Point is Phylos is all about GMO that is clear!

Mowglis “If we do that” is more like “when we do that” because its a short cut to an enforceable Patent

Right after Mowgli says that he talks about being ‘acquired by’ Monsanto or some other Big Ag company


This was already coming. Legal crops portend patented varieties. Probably genetic modification as well. Same in 100 other crops. It’s just a natural byproduct of not getting thrown in jail for having a joint in your pocket.

We’re now “heirloom growers”. There’s the supermarket tomato, and the heirloom variety you grew behind the garage. One is nice because it’s incredibly cheap and available out of season. The other tastes phenomenal but it’s work, time, and is only available 3 months of the year.

That being said, they aren’t banning seeds. For this or any other vegetable/grain. IDK how y’all jumped to that conclusion. Call me when the feds go all Waco on Burpee Seeds.


Thats about the illegality of drug cannabis versus hemp cannabis and the governments loop hole being closed, not the corporization of legal drug cannabis and its effect on the home grower


Yoo-hoo :wink:

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I think you can safely assume this is the leverage they’re using to push banking across the line.