Yea mon!
Yea mon!
This is cause for concern.
MMJ registrants have to forego their 2nd amendment rights?
Creepy and misguided.
Hawaii police order medical marijuana users to ‘voluntarily surrender’ guns and ammo
Well, well…
I am definitely not going to go and purchase one of these outfits anytime soon.
Want to get in shape?
Help me move some things around.
This crosses the line.
Teacher shows really bad judgment.
Sorta funny though…hahaha
Holy smokes!
Military horticulture!
In Italy, the army provides medical marijuana. And that’s a problem.
That is the very definition of fascism!!
look at this story - frightening, we are essentially becoming a country of drugged-down, docile sheep - 22% of American women are on SSRI drugs!
All too true.
12-15% of men take these drugs as well.
And sadly, 6-7% of boys and 4-5% of girls are taking this crap.
Not to blame women, but birth control pills are also creating problems for fish.
This is one of the many things that our future generations aren’t going to understand. They will be wondering what we were thinking and how we could be so destructive and willfully blind to our consequences.
This is also how the US has amassed $20.5
trillion dollars in debt.
Irresponsible behavior.
There will be truly dire consequences.
teachers sure are getting shittier and shittier, another one was busted recently for cutting up lines of coke and H in her classroom …
Common sense and decency may yet prevail in NJ.
Need a hand? Let me know, I owe ya man!
And lets hope our 2nd ammendmet doesn’t go down the drain with cannabis. Nothing in this country is right
just read this interesting article in National Geographic
All of that murderous mayhem due to the scourge of prohibition.
Prohibition is a bigger problem than the prohibited drugs.
A sad and destructive farce.
Despite Being Heavy Handed,
California Marijuana Rules Signal End
of Prohibition
No question about it.
How many have died from consuming MJ = Zero
How many have died trying to get it into the US = ???
or had their lives ruined and became a felon for smoking a joint. even ones who don’t smoke pot, like maybe an autistic and socially challenged teen tricked by an adult undercover cop thinking it was the only way to keep a new friend (the first friend you’ve ever had…) so you take his money to a dispensary for him. i think he got a 0.4g for $20
this undercover operation netted quite a few busts and i believe the majority if not all were in the ‘special’ class
Deceptive practices seem to be increasing within the exploding cannabis industry.
Interesting article.
I have never smoked cigarettes.
So I do not have any frame of reference regarding some assertions made in this piece.
Reverse gateway drug???
I am skeptical.
Excerpt from article:
The study also suggests a new twist on the “gateway” theory that using cigarettes puts people at risk of using marijuana, Miech said: “It is possible that, moving forward, some people may start first using marijuana and then transition to cigarette smoking.”
This “reverse gateway”