victory in the midwest…this includes home growing! ALL medical conditionss eligible for cannabis therapy
Colanoscopy Luminaire? Damn, that’s fancy.
It’s a kinda joke between me and @Jellypowered just cos I made a few lights like.
Things are progressing in the right direction…
If Ontario doesn’t screw up their plan for retail cannabis.
91 Chemdog by @Morgwar
a whole bunch of plants just became legal in Vermont
Now that sounds like a road trip in the making.
still waiting for the vodka tracking system…
That’s some level-11 Big-Brothering
this is great stuff! Snoop Dogg and Captain Picard now partners in cannabis!!!
Sir Patrick Stewart has also become a patron for the company, adding in a statement (via Metro): “I am proud to become a patron of OCT. It’s wonderful that OCT have got together the funding that means that Britain will lead the way in what is, in my view, one of the world’s most exciting fields of medical research. The possibilities seem to me to be virtually limitless.”
Making it main street is OK with me. Now let’s overgrow it.
typical of “legalization”…the farm stand will be closed and turned into a “security station”…as if we need more security and not the corrupt politicians & bankers
Clearing the way
Green Meadows farm stand to become part of medical grow farm
Methuen woman moves forward with lawsuit after Sodexo fired her for recreational marijuana use
“I don’t understand, I didn’t do anything wrong.”
amazing stuff happening in Oklahoma - makes me think national legalization could actually happen soon. The attorney general has told the Health Nazis they can’t stop people from having the flowers. We already have DC itself legalized, the capital of the Empire, now prohbition is collapsing in the “heartland”:
it seems like the same oligarchs run the US federal govt, England, and Russia. Isn’t it interesting that the UK has the exact same “schedule” policy of “drugs” as the US, even though we’re supposed to be separate countries as of 1776?
Are England and Russia the most hostile European governments for weed? France? Japan still wages war on sick people using cannabis as well. The ONLY reason we have cannabis legalization in the USA is because 26 individual states still have referendum power and 99% of drug arrests are made under state-paid cops, not fed.
It looks like USA, Russia, and England won WWII and their oligarchs decided to divide up the world’s fossil fuel deposits and wage war on plant medicine. And both energy and eco-plastic can be produced from cannabis instead of oil. Plastic resins from oil do not degrade and are currently filling the world’s oceans.