Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

And some 70% of Americans, on both sides of the political aisle, support legalization. Once again, the federal government fails to reflect the will of the people. Our government can be counted on to do one of two things: take a good idea and run it completely into the ground or take a bad idea and run it completely into the ground.


I just found out a new piece of information about tax in NY. Their is a thc tax collected by the cultivator, 13 percent sales tax and I just found out the dispute has to match the sales tax. On the farm side the thc tax is about 25 percent of the wholesale cost. So ny loaded up the tax just doesn’t provide clarity about it :joy:


Huh… that’s… confusing?

In Vermont cultivators don’t collect any taxes, they sell it to wholesalers or dispensaries tax free and the dispensaries collect taxes when they sell it to the consumer.


It’s just set up to hide the real tax costs from people. Literally just found out about the dispensary matching requirements. NY presents a “reasonable “ tax rate for PR. It’s actually much higher, but hidden


NYT is reporting the NY control board approved the proposed settlement of the two cases holding up NY dispos from opening. Should progress quickly from here.


God I hope so! They haven’t moved fast on anything!


New Hampshire cannabis commission wraps up months of work with no recommendations


I understand why people would think it was a good idea to not allow lobbying and political donations… but you’d think a Republican governor might remember Citizens United.


First bill changing Ohio’s new recreational marijuana law introduced in General Assembly

House Bill 341 is the first bill in the Ohio General Assembly that would change Issue 2, which 57% of Ohio voters passed as an initiated statute on Nov. 7. Because it’s a statute, or a law, the legislature can amend and repeal parts of it. Several lawmakers and Gov. Mike DeWine have discussed proposals they’d like to see changed – from advertising to the level of taxes and distribution of those taxes.

“Of course, we heard what the people said — they want legalized marijuana, so we’re not going to change that,” said state Rep. Gary Click, a Sandusky County Republican and sponsor of HB 341.
Yet Click believes many people saw Issue 2 as a binary choice between whether to legalize recreational marijuana or not, and that few people poured over the details in the 41-page law.

“We know with more drug use, there’s going to be more need for policing around that,” he said. “And so we want to create some funds to train law enforcement on how to deal with that, how to respond to those situations.”

Adult-use cannabis will be taxed at 10% under Issue 2. Click’s bill doesn’t change that level of taxation, which could generate $200 million in revenues in the first full year of sales and $400 million by the fourth year. But he would change where the money goes.

After months of doing everything they can to stop it - including spending money on commercials paid for by the FOP encouraging people to vote against it, looks like they may get their cut.

Click said that the harms of marijuana abuse need to be communicated to the public, especially children.

“This a gateway drug. I know people who started on that. I know people who have been very adversely affected by it personally and in my family,” he said. “So I think we need to do some education on prevention. Just because it’s legal doesn’t make it safe or beneficial.”


“This a gateway drug. I know people who started on that. I know people who have been very adversely affected by it personally…

Aspirin is a gateway drug. Children’s Tylenol gets 'em started. Or sometimes Benadryl (for kids who have allergies). Once they discover DRUGS, they’re gonna keep taking DRUGS.


And they leave out the biggest gateway drugs of them all, tobacco and alcohol.


I’d say the real drug problem the US has is with high fructose corn syrup, and caffeine… I’d be willing to bet HFCS has killed at least a thousand times more people than the opioid crisis ever has.


If we can not stop it, can we make money from it?
Soon you will see ex-cops, judges ect. that were 100% anti-pot getting involved for financial gains.


Ya it’s disgusting. Hopefully that bill goes nowhere, it would allow municipalities to limit or prohibit home-grow as well.

Issue 2 prohibits local governments from banning marijuana use or home grow, and they can’t levy special taxes or fees on marijuana businesses. Click’s bill removes those provisions altogether, which would empower municipalities to regulate cannabis within their boundaries. Lawmakers have grappled with similar debates over flavored tobacco, with some Republicans saying a patchwork of local bans is ineffective.


Not good, the zoning laws can stop you from growing at home even if the state says your good to go.


Politicians are really useless.


Politicians are very effective at maintaining the status quo!!


MotherF@<%ERS! I KNEW they would go after Home Growing!