Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

Yea,the state level will now pressure Municipalities to do thier dirty work through breaks and grants. Nice trick to keep thier hands clean.


Where the Ladybugs Fly: Behind Autumn Brands’ No-Spray Cannabis Cultivation


Less than a month after residents legalized the use of marijuana for recreational purposes, City Council is considering a temporary moratorium regarding related cultivation, sale and use of marijuana products.

“Lakewood residents overwhelmingly supported Issue 2; however, the Ohio Senate and House have indicated they’re going to be drafting some additional rules surrounding that legislation,” Mayor Meghan George said.

Would be funny if lives weren’t ruined over this.


Oh no the people have gave themselves too much freedom, we must fix this PROBLEM.


Yep, Ohio is off my list of states for my upcoming move. Moving to Michigan where there is a bit more freedom. I KNEW those Bastids would go after home growing!


The war on home growing is real.
Legalization without allowing home grows is not real legalization.
Folks call it fear mongering but everyday it gets worse and worse.
We are allowed 12 plants where most states only allow 6.
I can not help but think they will soon want to lower my plant count too. :grimacing:

Keep fighting the green fight.


I have GOT to move to Michigan. Freest state in teh nation when it comes to home growing right now.


Middle of the state is pretty cheap and you will probably get land.
For cheaper land look near the bridge.
If you want real cheap look in the UP but it gets dam cold in the winter.

I think we spoke before…if you need any assistance I have lived here my whole life.


So if I chop a plant into a 1000 cuts it’s still only 1 plant right?

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Cannabis is not being legalized. The politicians are merely changing the rules of engagement. Hence the need to divert cannabis tax revenues from social equity to police training.

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not like it’s any big surprise either. like i mentioned in another post, there just isn’t any large enough amount of interest in home growing. when nobody cares, or not enough people of influence care, nothing gets done. when you take the interested party and realize not only are they scattered across the country and disorganized, they’re also potheads, then it’s real easy to ignore that group. when anyone makes any noise about it, revert back to the propaganda like they’re already doing in oh. until we either get organized or get some real influential folks involved, forget it.

Foreigner says: homegrowing for all!

Sign my petition.


yeah, but you’re a foreigner. don’t count here.

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It’s a worldwide movement!

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It isn’t clear to me that the moratorium would have any effect on homegrowing… given that the moratorium (in effect until the end of July) would pause any action on the city issuing permits related to the cultivation, sale, and use of marijuana products. I’m not quite clear on how OH is planning on having homegrows work, but if you don’t need a permit from the town, the moratorium doesn’t affect you.


Ya no permits required as of now (unless they amend to require it, but that seems like it would be too much effort to get set up within a week).

How do you think the use of cannabis would factor into all that?

City Council on Monday passed a temporary moratorium regarding related cultivation, sale and use of marijuana products.

Hope you’re right! Looks like other cities are looking to do the same thing.

“I’ve been in high-level discussions with other municipalities looking to do the same thing.”


I agree it’s weird, but I’m thinking they’re talking about social consumption permits? I can’t imagine the city council wants to get involved in issuing licenses to every pot smoker in town.


Your average Joe can not see this for whatever reason. :thinking:

And this is the reason that home growing will disappear in the future.
You can buy it on every corner why do you need to grow it?

If we continue to support legalization without home growing, soon there will be no legal home growing.

This is pretty basic and simple, I am not sure why more folks don’t see this.
If we open our eyes we can see where things are trending and it is not toward having more home grows, it is trending toward having less.


there’s already no home growing in most of the country and it hasn’t disappeared, so i doubt very much it is going anywhere. i’m not sure what all the hype is about.