Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

The entire problem with pot is the corporate structure has not figured out how to patent the plant yet. GW pharmaceuticals has an inhaler…you know a patented inhaler for weed.
The US government itself holds different weed patents also.


I’m oddly intrigued by the idea of an inhaler.


Here’s the ingredients of Sativex:

Each 100 microlitre spray contains 2.7 mg THC and 2.5 mg CBD. Inactive ingredients: The other ingredients are ethanol, propylene glycol and peppermint oil. SATIVEX is a registered trademark of GW Pharma Limited, United Kingdom. This leaflet was prepared in October 2022.

Propylene glycol is a synthetic liquid substance that absorbs water. Propylene glycol is also used to make polyester compounds, and as a base for deicing solutions. Propylene glycol is used by the chemical, food, and pharmaceutical industries as an antifreeze when leakage might lead to contact with food.

So it seems like it’s synthetic/isolated THC and CBD.

Perfect example of how most pharma drugs are basically them finding healing molecules in a plant or mushroom, isolating or synthesizing them (this is what creates or exaggerates most side effects, entourage effect is real, diversity is what makes the universe possible), and then fucking it all up even more by adding a bunch of toxins. :joy:

Spraying ethanol and coolant down my throat? No thanks.

Yes, alcohol is a toxin.


Well when you gotta ruin it like that it’s definitely gross. Still though, if they could do it up right, it would be a neat consumption method.


Pot brownies not good enough for ya?

I just eat dry decarbed bud for breakfast by the teaspoon.

Life is as simple as you make it…


Well I’m a mild buzz kind of guy. If I could get a properly dosed micro hit without any combustion in a discreet form that would be good for me. I can’t do vape pens. I’m allergic.


Seems like 1:1 CBD:THC strains would be your thing.


I get good control by using little bits of hash. And I’m trying to limit combustion as much as is reasonably possible. Edibles are too much of a commitment sometimes.

I use a flower vape, highly recommend it. I turn it down to 50% power to get my light buzz on, up to 75% when I want to get lit up. Mind you, I keep my tolerance low, but its a good middle ground between smoking weed and vaping distillate.


I’ve got a couple dry herb vapes that have lived in a drawer for a long time. They were Mrs Foreigner’s but she’s switched to the carts. I remember we got a pax that had an unlimited warranty. I think they replaced it 3 times.

Years ago, they don’t do it anymore.

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Fun reads in here. Appreciate the back and forth. I don’t think the skill or quality of care is the issue where I’m at. It’s a mixture of insurance making things more difficult for people and an over reliance on a doctors education. Many doctors aren’t encouraged to take nutrition classes during their programs and it leads to a lot of people who are skilled at fixing emergencies and less prepared when it comes to preventative measures. Anyway, thanks a ton for the info.


I have to disagree. The real problem is corporations are involved at all. OverGrow the World! Fuck corporate interests.


Well, some Corporations grow and sell tomatoes, but they do not interfere with the home growing of my own tomatoes.

Unfortunately, the majority of corporate cannabis growers are seemingly bound and determined to interfere with me growing my own cannabis.

I only want to be left alone to grow my own delectable flowers.

This is obviously too much freedom to even hope for in America.

I have been an Outlaw for a little over 54 years now, and will likely be one for the rest of my days.

Oh well.


Point taken, although I am generally not pro corporation. I was speaking specifically about corporate weed growers and should have been more clear. I’m probably stoned… Again…



This cracks me up, let’s give 1% of applicants the green light in our cough ‘free market’ and then (pretend to) raise hell when 8,000 non-licensed stores are operating in Gotham City


No More Zombie
Took me 20 hours to get this…but you are a cryptic bastard so there is that… :rofl:

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well i do try