Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

I dont…been there done that

Doctors have specific job…does not include federal schedule I substances

Even in California

America has held the keys to Cannabis

Nixon did this in 1970 usa

And its enforced Wolrdwide

Just ask some people from overgrow, heavenstaiway, or marc Emery

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Could be wrong about this part, but it seems like there aren’t many for-profit hospitals in the northeast? Looks like they’re largely concentrated in FL, CA, TX and the south?


You’re right, they are.

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TBF those three states make up more than a quarter of the total US population.


I can get 5mg gelcaps through insurance.

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Possibly psilocybin.

Doctors aren’t the same as “Big Pharma”. Big Pharma is really only concerned with one thing - profit. I’m not saying that is necessarily bad, but that also doesn’t necessarily align with curing disease.

Regarding doctors, I believe you are probably right that their motivations are mostly benevolent, but I can’t say that about “all” of them.

One problem is that most doctors have virtually no knowledge about nutrition and how to prevent disease.


100% agree with that.


My doctor would have big pharma pimps come to the door all the time. He would take their free samples and give them all to me. My insurance wasn’t the best at the time.


I should probably acknowledge that while my wife is not an idiot, I did have a really stupid argument with one of her old work friends… I was in a pissy mood after reading some article about cannabis and psychosis and complained about media coverage and how they cover science poorly in general but particularly around cannabis (who cares if a study shows correlation, saying there’s causation gets eyeballs, clicks, and ad revenue) and the friend responded “Well, cannabis does cause psychosis” and I responded “You mean like, vulnerable people, or with some kind of massive dose given under lab conditions?”

She did not mean that, she meant you smoke a joint and “Bam!” psychosis.

She was super-offended when I rapidly shut down that conversation. Like, still not that friendly several years later. I know from a number of my wife’s colleagues over the years that there’s a subset of doctors who lived a pretty straight-and-narrow life in order to do well in school and get into medical school, and pass boards, et cetera, et cetera, and they don’t always have much, if any, experience with things like cannabis.


I know doctors who got through med school on cocaine and tranquilizers.


Your right Doctors do want the best for their patients, due to a couple of serious health issues recently, I am seeing more doctors and hospitals in the last 4 months than I have in my last 20 years or care to see. I have changed my view on Doctors and the way they work, but they are constrained by their training and can’t stray outside that for fear of either being sued by a patient if something goes wrong, or lose their license because they are not prescribing or treating an illnes according to pharmas governing regulatory bodies.

I have seen 3 big pharma CEO’s in interviews defending the costs of their products by saying, We are not in the business of helping people, we are in the business of making money. That statement says it all for me.

So we are left with, do your due diligence looking at different studies on the treatment and drugs for treatments, weigh up the pros and cons, pay your money and hope your choice is a good one. Just because the treatment a doctor can offer you may be their only option, it doesn’t mean it’s the only one out there or the best option.

In regards to psycho emotional problems, as an ex psychoanalyst I have had clients that I could offer nothing for them, as they were too damaged and beyond repair, I did not feel taking their money on a false hope, of living without being drugged up to reduce their symptoms was fair, and that was really the only option of value in my judgment, whether the patient liked it being drugged up or not.

They should at least have the choice of how they do, do it, with either pharmaceutical or natural treatments. If it works for them that’s all that really matters.


I’ve heard some of these arguments before.

I had a guy say to me I don’t wanna be on drug X because pharmaceuticals, man! I told him drug X was cheap.

More extravagant stuff sure, but some useful medications are surprisingly affordable. I use a lot and spend like $700 a year.

All hospitals are for profit. Some may focus on it more than others. Hospital/doctors hate Medicaid because it’s only like 20 percent above cost if memory is correct.
Eating correctly will help most people get healthier. I was 12 years old getting scratch tests for allergies. I got 18/20 and 19/20 on my arms. Pills were prescribed, diet was never mentioned

I’m also pretty sure a new medicine patent is issued for medicine that is more effective than a sugar pill. Side effects are not part of the equation


I love how pot and firearms are a no no. Alcohol and firearms no problem :exploding_head:


All the fuckers sucking down 30 packs and then shooting the cans is just plain having fun. Youre nowhere near as out of control of your body on alcohol as you are on weed. /S


I quote the link…

A top adviser to Nixon, John Ehrlichman, said as much in an interview in 1994 that was published by Harper’s Magazine in 2016:
"Did we know we were lying about the drugs?

Of course we did."


While many patients swear by the drug’s ability to ease chronic pain and relieve symptoms of PTSD, many experts say this is not supported by research to date and may just be the placebo effect.

I agree with @Shadey this just means they can not prove why it works.

A very good point.
Seems the vets feel the same way.

From the link…
“Pyrah has formed the No More Zombie Veterans lobby group”
They can not get cannabis, but the zombie drugs are good, and they have no side effects…LOL

I agree, if they say catnip gives em relief, let em smoke it…why not.
Oh yea, they have to save us from ourselves.
That means pump em full of zombie drugs or put em in prison.
This shows it is not about the people it is about the money… :money_mouth_face:
The vets will probably get cannabis once big pharma can make some coin from it.


not sure how i feel about this…