Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

Well, well, will ya look at that…


I am, indeed, quite surprised! Who woulda thunk, it’s almost like the bureaucracy in NJ is so out of control that nothing at all gets done. In other news, I hear Suzette Parmley is up for nomination at this year’s “Most Naive Person in the World” awards… :stuck_out_tongue:


So is it true Monsanto will make genetically modified cannabis and put the whole home grown community out of business?


They can try… But as long as people preserve land races and other non-modified genetics, they will never stop a home grower…

Love this quote “Brown said the centers simply don’t have enough weed,” Meanwhile in other articles, the ATC’s are complaining they can’t sell recreational, and have hundreds of pounds of cannabis just rotting in their vaults…

SO I ask… Which narrative suits the politicians today? We don’t have enough? Or we have so much, its rotting in our vaults?

This whole process has jaded many growers in Jersey who might have gone legal, but after seeing this fiasco, really just wonder what kind of circus they are getting into. Makes one kinda leary to get setup to meet “these regulations” when they seem to change them like kids change chairs in a game of musical chairs.

SMH New Jersey… You just KEEP dropping the ball…

AND poor journalism…

"The panel did approve 68 cultivators and manufacturers "

uh… No, its possibly THIRTY SEVEN cultivators. the other 31 are manufacturers as theres a limit of 37 cultivation licenses state wide. So the 31 manufacturers dont mean SHIT because they can’t GROW, they need to acquire cannabis from a cultivator. AND what can they manufacture? Pre-roll joints and lozenges. YAY! No edibles, no extracts!

What a joke… what an embarrassing joke…


Apparently, cannabis is currently scheduled wrong based on a treaty we have with the UN.


I’m saying this business. Home growers who make a living off growing.

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New York’s Equality Problem in Pot May Require $1 Billion to Fix

Also of interest regarding NJ;

Quote of the week

“Despite their self-congratulatory back slapping and virtual high-fiving, members of the NJ Cannabis Regulatory Commission (CRC) failed to offer citizens of New Jersey something they voted in favor of in November 2020 once again by not adopting measures to start the state’s legal cannabis program at yesterday’s monthly meeting,” said Camilo Lyon, an analyst with BTIG, in a March 25 research note.

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What a trip to hear Maryland as a spot to watch for an emerging market. Barely made it out of that state without a record. Cops there used to love busting kids for herb


So no different to opiates or anti depressants, except you cant OD annd die from its over use. I know which one I would prefer to over use :smiley:


From outside Dc. In my neighborhood they busted heads first then ran you in. I always hear on the news about PG cops are going to be less aggressive. Aint seen it in the last fifty years of hearing the same ole BS. Suppose to be voting on legalization in November to include limited homegrow (2plants). The more I read about legalization anywhere the more I realize polititions are clueless to what they are doing. They are using race as a means to justify fattening the tax coffers. Same shit they did with lottery and casinos except that was to improve education ( trust me it didn’t work judging from some of the people I have to come in contact with. One last rant the local board of Ed has not held any back for 10 years because of the negativity. I say screw diplomas just give the students “Participation Certificates” reflecting the at least showed up at some point during their 4 years. Enough ranting. Time to burn one and calm down


oh yea dude. got pulled over on 270 in MoCo when i was 17 and got yanked out of the car by the throat and cuffed before anyone said word one to me. Growing up around there we just knew that Jake was out for you if you were holding, eyes in the back of your head always.