Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

Correlation does not causation make. Crazy people like weed too. Emerging cases could be correlated with the covid just as easy. Sheltering in place can be physcologically daunting.


Very few scientific studies claim causation for a reason.

Hypothesizing other causes spits in the face of peer-reviewed studies.


It was a hurried example, the real point was that with data analysis many things come into play. Is there a distinction between pure canna and delta 8 products. What about added terps? What about the recent influx of retail cbd and other derivatives, are they considered cannabis? What about mycotoxins , are these users cannabis 100 percent screened . I doubt it. All that shit is lumped together .


Keep in mind I’m remembering back to a few studies that I perused… awhile ago… so my memory of it may be a little hazy. There were I think two or three that were posted in one of these threads, the more memorable one was a Danish study (that found a correlation between regular high potency cannabis use and an increase in emerging psychoses, the glaring thing about it was that they focused on a group of people with diagnosed Cannabis Use Disorders, i.e. people who were putting themselves at significant personal and legal risk but continued to smoke, etc, anyway).

I think it’s fair to say the studies did not consider any of the alternative explanations you’re bringing up. The thing about studies drawing correlations and is that they don’t need to run through every alternative explanation (if I was going to raise that kind of alternative explanation I think I’d go with synthetic cannabinoid use being lumped in with cannabis). That said it would be a pretty crappy study (and therefore would hopefully not pass peer-review and make it to publication) if they didn’t control for other factors.


I did a deep dive into delta 8 at one point like, 4 or 5 years ago, and most of it was suspending CBD in some pretty harsh chemicals to alter the molecule into delta 8.

Places like extract labs share their batch tests openly on the product page, and they keep it up to date to show they’re not selling potentially harmful inorganic THC product, But this is beside the point…

Because the research is only starting to catch up from almost 5 decades of darkness, these questions aren’t so easily answered.


They also use heavy metal Catalysts immersed in toxic chemicals in the refining processes. There is no way to purify it completely after processing.


Well, it’s more than just supply. It’s saturation. It’s the same with just about every boom thing. Gold, Dot-Com, whatever. There’s a boom period and too many jump in and do OK at first, but eventually the “thrill” part wears off, those who don’t know the business at hand go broke and fall away. Driving north on hwy 101, go through just about ev ery town and no matter how small there’s at least a few pot stores. Up in the Seattle area across the bay, you can hardly turn around and there’s a pot store looking for customers. Add in the “Exotic fade” factor - people try it, like it and some don’t care and sales slow down. Add in the Homegrown factor where if you really want some, you can grow your own or know someone who does. Then add in the illegal market undercutting prices and boom becomes bust.


Yes, that is why I quit fucking with it after one hit from a pen.

I wanted to acknowledge that there are somewhat transparent distributors like EL


While not technically a cannabis current event, today is the birthday of, if you’re a US citizen/arrested in the US, your Miranda right’s birthday. So many of us have appreciated it.

Happy birthday!


And the state house said no to the shit compromise.


That whole state motto “Live Free or Die” is just so much bullcrap, isn’t it?


California has gone from the best weed to the worst in just 10 years. Who wants a poison joint :face_vomiting:


In some ways. All the locals around us would rather it stay how it is than put that senate bill in place. No one’s bothered anyone around here for a very long time.


When I was living in SoCal in late 90’s to early 2000’s, there were some very nice finds in the dispos. It’s sad to see what it’s become with rec weed.


If you’re in Fla, bettert get you seed stash now.


Does the perfect joint exist? Science says…


I have found that having a nice variety of different flowers helps to ward off encroaching tolerance for me.
But I use cannabis for rec purposes only.