Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

when it works like it’s supposed to it’s cool as hell. people changing their minds is a good thing, but folks act like it’s the devil’s work…

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When it became the new religion for the “Enlightened” it went to shit. Science is asking Questions. Now it is used to shut questioning down.


the whole world is turning upside down. not like it hasn’t happened before, but damn, it sucks living through it rather than reading about it. it sure helps to explain those thoughts i always had that were like, “how the hell can they let that happen?!?”…


It was always about the money and not the people. I campaigned against this version of the Amendment and pushed for complete exoneration of all Cannabis crimes on day one. The fools shouted me down and accepted the first offer! You never accept the lowest offer!!!

The fools thoughts were we can change it later. I told them no you cant its a Constitutional Amendment. You cant change those like you can Laws.


I’m shocked they’ve expunged as many records as they have.

Missouri is particularly corrupt, and the Jackson county government computer system was recently hacked and held at ransom, shutting down the ability for the local courthouse to process the bulk of their caseload…


30 years in prison and up to $1,000,000 in fines over more than 50 grams of bong water because a cop testified that drug users keep bong water “for future use… either drinking it or shooting it in the veins.”


This article pertains to meth bong water, which until now I didn’t know was a thing.


no siree. they measure diff things. maths. u might have 3x higher chance of psychosis from weed while only 0.5% of weed users get triggered overall. u get it?


I get it, Statistics is just another way to lie.

“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.”

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false. stop pushing yer political worldview with bs, lies, n misdirection.

just cuz u dont understand dont mean yer right.


Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.


I hate how they keep pushing that death by bong water shit. It was freaking meth water


Yes, but 8 ounces of meth bong water is being treated the same as 8 ounces of meth in charging her, which is ridiculous.


I understand my friend. You need to chill out and not let people upset you, its bad for your health.


I take cannabis for 1) the active, creative high. 2) To combat my growing cynicism as i see the nation focusing more and more on war and stupidity. 3) Increased sciatica pain in my leg. But i don’t smoke much anymore. I make cookies and they do the job longer and smoother. Took a medium cookie the other day around 7:30 A.M. and after a full day of garden inspections, guitar playing, poem writing, sun loving, was still feeling fine at 6:30 P.M. and on into bed - slept sound and awoke the next moring refreshed. I am beginning to think when you take cannabis matters. For instance when tired, the high is dulled - for me. Taking right after a meal lowers the intensity. For me, it’s best when rested, in a fairly good mood, before a meal or maybe 2 hours after eating.


Florida pot doctors warn about potential chaos after recreational marijuana legalization

Some doctors say the new amendment could imperil access for the state’s 882,000 active medical marijuana patients.


I don’t agree with Orange’s approach, but he isn’t entirely wrong.

From what I recall of the studies from months ago/last year they never made grand proclamations about the increase in emerging psychoses they documented. They simply reported that there was an increase, without talking about overall numbers.

It tends to be the media that picks up scientific studies and spins them into something juicy that people will want to read.


They are talking out of their asses. No onw knows any facts about mental health issues and cannabis. Is it the chicken or the egg? I have been around cannabis and people who have been around cannabis for generations and never had any problems with vomitting or mental health issues. Then we get cannabis hyperemesis syndrom and mental health concerns out of no where.

I do not like people stating facts that are not facts. No one without decade plus of focused studies following the same group of people can tell you anything.


I don’t think they are. They’re reporting on observed data without drawing broader conclusions other than that there was a significant increase. Pretty sure we all raised the question of what that percentage increase meant in term of actual numbers back then (specifically: how many emerging cases of psychoses were there before the legalization of cannabis).

You’ve basically cherry-picked one scientific study to rebut another that you don’t like. Is that science?