Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

Moral of the story, if you want more apartments ruined - keep enforcing this draconian prohibition?

Wow, a study that shows positive results of pre-natal usage?


No worries… literally every sentence that wasn’t directly related to a fact or figure of the study was cautioning people not to take it as proven fact, since it’s just one study, and recommending against cannabis use. :rofl: Mostly they specify use by pregnant women… mostly. I’m not saying they’re wrong or right, but I thought scientists were supposed to avoid preconceived notions. This one, like too many others, appears to be starting from the conclusion and working its way back, attempting to dismiss inconvenient results in the process.


in this case it makes sense to caution folks not to go out and smoke weed when pregnant given the correlation between prenatal marijuana use and adhd. you don’t just take one study and rewrite the rules. it bears investigation though, kinda like what they’re doing it seems (didn’t read the article yet). just a random thought, my $0.02…

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Damn stoner babies think what they have to say is sooooo deep they won’t shut up about it.


I wonder if it’s easier for Chinese people to cross the southern border…? Just thinking once you get in CBP might not be very focused on Asian looking people.


Having been a government employee (not CBP) in a previous life, I don’t doubt that some won’t alert on an Asian. However there are those where an Asian crossing the southern border would raise major flags.

I suspect an Asians best bet would be crossing into US from British Colombia due to high volume of Asian tourism in Washington state.



There is a side of me that says a group of us here in Florida should contact these people and give them an ultimatum. Either provide an addition for growing to the proposed law, or face opposition against legalization. There is a lot of money at stake here they have spent on. If they see a sizable portion of partakers willng to say NO and opposed them, then they might make an addition… Dispensary weed sucks. At least here in Florida. They lie like hell about strains, and use junk genetics. I tried so called Northern lights and it was not. This is one if the evils about this industry, they can lie and claim what they are selling is this or that, and get away with it…no one to call out and make sure there is truth in packaging and labeling. Just like these lying thca hemp places like They sell a lot of old school named strains, and its all a lie. It amazes me with the reviews that people actually believe them.


Grow or go. Best chance for homegrow (imo) is during legalization otherwise our children’s children will be waiting for home grow.

It really is ridicules the amount of time energy and money spent on a plant that appears to drive folks bat crap crazy (myself included).

Simple solution
Step 1. Make cannabis legal (grow, smoke, gift, take turns shoving it in each others orificies if ya want it’s legal.

Step 2. Make selling cannabis without license illegal.

Step 3. Live a simple life.

Instead we get:

Your allowed x plants per household irrespective of how many legal adults live in that household. Of those x plants y are allowed to be in flower including males (which you don’t smoke anyway). You’re legally allowed to possess up to and 1.5 ozs ( well damn I ave 3 ozs per plant). Not a problem up to 2.5 ozs we only issue a citation and you pay a fine for being successful doing something legally. And that extra .5 oz that you legally grew now that could result in jail time. Oh in addition to you 1.5 ozs that you can legally posses your also allowed to possess so much in concentrate form. If I make concentrates, I no longer have my 1.5 ozs and barely any concentrate.

Now what really bothers me is that most of folks (politicians) making these decisions have spent most of their life to at least appear moral and intelligent. I think the evidence has reflected otherwise.

Good growing ya’ll



Don’t forget, in some states us medical growers forgo 4th amendment rights for the same privileges, and we can still lose our jobs


fify. nobody has been trying to look more intelligent, and in fact, they seem to go out of their way to seem less intelligent, i assume to appeal to the most common denominator in their target audiences…

and with the direction that one party is seeming to go in with regard to legalities due to one huge influence, even (especially) the first part of that statement is now called into question.


LOLLLL what a yolk ! Me thinks the framing of the conversation is a bit regarded. Rescheduling should be harpooned for the farce that it is.

Descheduling is the solution.


I tend to think of articles like these as politically-motivated. Even if the author herself isn’t political, which she might not be, the people she’s interviewing clearly are because they’re making assumptions about what the parties are going to do. Tough to even discuss the Chevron doctrine, which as the article mentions has informed 40 years of political decision-making and posturing, without politics getting dragged in and people forming opinions about it in the process. What some people might call a dog whistle, I suppose. :roll_eyes: Just each side has different whistles for different types of dogs.


Fine take scheduling decisions away from the DEA and transfer it to the Dept of Agriculture (they are the experts in growing plants).



What in the actual malarkey is this program? Never realized this marijuanamoment website was a MSO industry mouth piece , but makes sense as i believe they were pushing pieces from the administration about rescheduling and how the big guy deserves all the credit. (in retrospect it makes sense, b.c most self-proclaimed cannabis advocates do not use the term ‘marijuana’ that was more of a legacy term employed by the war on drugs).

I still can’t get over how this store is marketing this “buy back” program which in actuality there is no buying back. I’ve seen similar programs to buy illegal fire arms from communities.

In reality, it really is an offer of a discounted membership offering future discounts in exchange for snitching. I believe there was a similar policy rolled out during COVID to snitch on your neighbors if they had too many family members over, except i think in that program there were no prizes.