Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)

And the beat goes on… and on.


Wait, there’s more…

Seems likely that this corruption was intentionally baked into Prop 64.




As sung by “Love & Rockets”


I’m going to have to look into that!
Thanks :+1:t4:


New Mexico legislators consider creating cannabis police


Hey, now that’s some good news for my town on the border of NM. That doesn’t surprise me. They’re probably gonna arrest all of the Texas people on their way home. Seriously, so far, Colorado looks so good to me compared to all of the growing (pun) problems suffered by other newer legalized states.

We have police concentrating on black market grows, but nothing I’ve heard of that would concentrate on patients or rec growers. They may be talking about policing the shop owners. We had some bad ones here. A couple have been shut down for non compliance. The SE part of the state might as well be Texas, as it’s super red, and very conservative.


They must have taken my admitted use into account on since I broke my leg. The hospital did the best job ever in keeping me comfortably sedated and and pain control after the surgeries. It’s so nice to be able to talk openly and truthfully with doctors about my use. They always worry if I’m a cigarette user and never even talk about the pot.

When I first moved here I had to fight with the hospital for pain meds when I had my knee replacement done. Different hospital.


Our main goals are to legalize, regulate and expunge—and we are working to ensure this bill does just that.”

Go Minnesota!
I like the last one best.
They’d be able to permit on-site consumption if they have a liquor license.
Prior marijuana records would also be automatically expunged.
They need to do this everywhere.

This part Could be better.
allow them to grow up to eight plants of their own

I keep seeing the plant count getting smaller.
I always wonder when I see this, will they want to lower the plant count in Michigan?


A controversial bill filed in Rhode Island earlier this month would make it illegal to have cannabis at gatherings of three or more people has been withdrawn and is being reworked, its sponsor says. Hosting essentially any social event where marijuana is used or possessed would carry a fine of $500 to $1,000 under the proposal as introduced.

If enacted, the measure would severely limit adults’ ability to use cannabis under Rhode Island’s legalization law, passed by state lawmakers last year, by requiring hosts of more than two other people to take “all reasonable steps” to prohibit the use or possession of “any marijuana or other controlled substances” by anyone at the gathering.


That’s awesome. Your state will make a fortune off North and South Dakota, lol. Colorado did, off of every state surrounding them until a couple of them legalized. Problem is, their laws suck and the product sucks, so now, they’re starting to come back.

I think 6 plants is the norm in most states. Don’t get a medical card and you won’t have to worry about being inspected at some point down the road. I’ve never heard of that here in Colorado, but you can imagine… if they have the permission, they could do it.


Missouri promised to expunge a lot of records and release a lot of prisoners. They have moved at a glacier’s speed at both.


That’s stupid. If they do that, then they’d have to do it for alcohol, too, imo. It is funny though, to see how they are thinking about it as they craft laws… think they’re still watching shows about the evils of weed, like “Reefer Madness”, buwahahah

It’s be like putting a bunch of rabid dogs together in a pack, letting a group of people all smoke weed at the same time… oh, the humanity!!


I visited friends in the Twin Cities last fall. They said that due to some loophole, even non-medical users could purchase edibles and infused products. There was a bar down the street where you could buy a can of sparkling water containing 25mg CBD and 5mg THC.


Yeah, we have some fucking bozos here haha. It wouldn’t have even slowed people down, maybe one or two towns would be the exception.


Lots of states allow many fewer plants than 8. 8 ain’t as bad as the big fat ZERO in Washington.


8 sounds bad to a guy who is allowed 12 currently. :slightly_smiling_face:


As I understand it, the Supreme Court ruling last year on NY permit case declared there cannot be any limitations put on owning firearms.
So cannabis can’t be an exclusion, just like drinking doesn’t exclude ownership.
Just gotta wait for the process to carry out and strike down this latest group of state laws that contradict supreme court ruling.

So all these laws will be struck down and we just may see NFA overturned, allowing machine guns and suppressors without tax, again.