Cannabis going mainstream: are we marketing to kids?

They’re happy to be seen as good corporate “citizens,” but any “good” they do is strictly a by-product of profits for shareholders.


The govt up here sells weed with names similar to the ones you mention. There are harm reductions/age limits/etc in place.

A rose by any other name.

And anyone who claims their position is to protect children I find immediately suspicious.

Edit: and there’s Death Star too I just saw


Kids think weed and weed smokers are whack. If I make a strain , I will name it anything I want . Anyway you try to spin it, political correctness Is political. Cows walk around in the field every day without stepping on each other’s toes, why can’t we.


I’d agree weed use is less popular with the youth than it used to be.

Making it legal is probably the biggest deterrent. How boring.


Here’s what pisses me off:


Just because strains, or, another big example is vape juice, are named after neat childhood candy names, it’s NOT pandering to children. It’s marketed to ADULTS who like candy flavors :man_shrugging:t2: and now we have money to spend, unlike when we were broke lil kids :rofl:


I mean… some of us are also broke adults.

Personally I like when the name gives me some idea of taste and lineage some names are better than others. While I could understand how this might be construed as marketing to kids personally I find that kids are going to see that marketing in places they already shouldnt be and are probably already going to try it anyways. its not like those candy cigarettes


Oh boy, oh boy! More for me!!!

So many kids see their folks doing it, why on earth would they want to do it? Must be old folks shit.

Where’s the big bong?!!


@Streckles true indeed. I’m not exactly “flush with cash” either, lol!


Embrace it @Streckles , one day you Will look back on it fondly.


Where the f-ck are you guys living that kids don’t like weed? :man_shrugging:t2:. I highly HIGHLY disagree with that and I’m not even high yet. I feel like weed is more alluring to kids than ever, and while I still disagree that it’s directly marketed toward kids I’m not so blind as to not notice a sort of coincidence in that


We may have talked about this elsewhere. I think Pope’s Hammer is a real knock out! And the pope doesn’t even have to be dead! HA!


I mean while that is largely true where I live or atleast was when I was in school… I feel the large cul… religious presence in my state probably aids in that… but even still atleast 1/4 of my senior class had atleast tried an edible

Fowl! You’re required to sit in the penalty box until you’ve addressed that.


@mota fixed. PUT ME IN, COACH :dash::dash::dash: :rofl:


Let’s stay focused on the issue: do these names constitute marketing to kids, and would you support or ostracize a brand who lobbied the whole cannabis industry for a change?

You can say, “It’s not marketing to kids,” but that’s not an answer. That’s just a squabble.

Also, let’s avoid saying shit like “political correctness” here, shall we? That’s a toxic fucking term today and if you want to drag this down a political road, I will put my fucking less-friendly, well-educated politics hat on and eviscerate you up and down, six ways to Sunday, in full view of everyone.

“Political correctness” is a catch-all phrase for “pissed off white guy who expected better from his life but couldn’t fucking manage it.”

Despite whatever bullshit you’ve been forced to drink up for several years, political correctness can also pretty benignly be described as “being aware of and respectful of other people and groups.”

Real men are kind and brave and they look for solutions. Don’t forget that.

Just because you’re angry about your fucking lot in life, don’t shit on my country. I served it for five years and put my life on the line. So did my father, my brother, and my sister and my brother.

Now, play fucking nice.


i can’t say i disagree with a single thing you’ve said, personally :slight_smile:


Also – I don’t have much of a personal position on this.

This is strictly a “work” exercise. lol


I think I missed the part where someone said kids don’t like weed. It’s about marketing to them rather than what they may like.

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Yes! And even MORE precisely, it’s about APPEARING to market to them. I am not accusing any cannabis related entity of trying to convince 16 year olds to dab.


I kind of always roll my eyes at the names that are given to some strains. Sometimes given the lineage of the genetic line they make sense. But in the end it’s just a catchy name. How many times have you heard just the name of a strain and went “that sounds good!” I’ve bought many strains on the name alone, some of them cookie and candy themed names. I have no quarrel with how a breeder chooses to name their strain. I’m an adult male who still will smash a whole giant Costco sized bag of sour gummies worms in a night if left unsupervised. Watermelon zkittle runtz mint cookies sounds good, so does garlic bananas…

Now “good” is subjective. Names like runtz, and cookies seem like they would appeal to children. And you would likely be right to assume that. If I told my kid I just picked up a fat bag of “P-Nut Budda Cookeiz”, her interest would definitely be piqued. But with that same token if I told her I got a jar of banana og she may be equally intrigued.

So where is the line drawn? I enjoy candy too, as far as I can tell I’m the target demographic. There’s no doubt naming something intended for adult use after something that is well established as enjoyed by children and young people in general has nefarious implications, no doubt. There will never be a point where our children aren’t bombarded with advertisements designed to grab their attention and sway their opinions and habits.

Sounds cliche but it is ultimately up to the parents to educate and protect their children. I watched my dad smoke 3 packs a day, cigarettes in every TV show and movie, smoking sections in resteraunts etc. I started smoking cigs when I was 13. Quit about 10 years ago. But I wouldn’t have started if it didn’t seem so damn normal. Candy and snack themed cannabis is just another drop in the bucket of targeted advertising that our children will come to deal with in their lifetime. I will do my best to be sure my daughter is self aware enough to know when she is being influenced towards something harmful to her. I can’t expect or rely on any government, corporation or organization to have my child’s best interest at heart. Sooner she learns to look out for herself the better off she will be.

In summary, I don’t care what they call it even if I think it can sound ridiculous. Parents need to set good examples and teach kids to protect themselves.