Cannabis going mainstream: are we marketing to kids?

Marketing anything to anyone ,is reprehensible. Kids included. Adults are just barely grown kids.


You’re absolutely correct, it’s about the appearance, not necessarily the fact. Even appearing to market a drug to kids seems like a poor choice.


That’s right. And kids are NOT little adults! They’re kids!


A LOT of people feel that way. :slight_smile: Including me somedays lol.


Sometimes it also boils down to, the version of something you’re getting might be a whack version of it :man_shrugging:t2:

I had Zkittlez and various crosses of it a few times, never really impressed til i got my hands on the PCG cut of Rainbow Belts. … and I shit you not, it genuinely had a skittles-sweet vibe, like i had a psycho-handful of random Skittles colors in my mouth. FINALLY, a real taste of “Z-terps”, i got it now. The name finally made sense.

But, for the sake of staying on task. … Is Zkittlez or any of its variants marketed directly to kids? --i still say HARD NO, because adults like candy as well. Candy is not exclusive to children. Using children in marketing is NOT something canna does.


Probably not what you want to hear but I’d prefer marketing banned and brands and their fake images disappear. For Cannabis and everything else. Like this idea you are talking about. Will it help a brand to promote this idea. It’s not about whether there is some company that comes up with an idea bc they have some moral standard they want to push, it’s a marketing person coming up with an idea to sell to a company to build their brand to sell their stuff. Yuck

(Nothing personal really I just hate capitalism. But that’s just me.)


That’s absurd

Then why would EVEN THIS VERY WEBSITE need its own logo? :man_shrugging:t2:. You just want literally EVERYTHING in Arial font?

Cool names are fun. Catchy logos are also fun. There should NEVER be a shortage of creative marketing expression in any field.

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THAT, my friend, is PR. Appearances matter.

Gross, right? Here’s the thing:

Appearances matter even MORE when people are too lazy to look closely. And EVERYBODY is too lazy to look closely now. :wink:

True story.

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I missed the point of the question a bit I think.

I don’t support targeting ads in any form to children. The things that pop up on my kids tablet that are clearly designed to catch her attention and get her to beg me to sign up for some $50 a month subscription so she can color some princesses and puppies make me feel sick. But all in all there’s not much I can do to stop it other than steer her away from the sources of these things. Easier said than done.

I don’t think the branding and naming poses a big problem overall(besides the obvious copyright issues). As long as my kid doesn’t see it in a case next to the actuall candy or advertised via a platform for children, i don’t see it as directly intended to influence them.

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I dont think the current names are creative tbh, its just whatever super sweet super processed food best matches the flavour profile of the buds now… (Gelato, Cookies, Sherbet, etcetcetc)

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I hate it. The same thing already happened with the ejuice industry and some places have banned flavored vapes because of it. Like they think adults don’t want to vape tasty flavors and only want tobacco flavor :crazy_face: Used the same bs ‘marketing to kids’ line when it’s most definitely not. If that’s what the plant smells/tastes like, that’s what it smells/tastes like. The name shouldn’t be automatically obfuscated just because some one thinks kids might find it agreeable. it’s still illegal for them to use. That’s a parenting issue, not something that should be forced upon everyone, imo.


My new strain: Red Bullzzz (ofc it wont be a nice sativa but an inbred indica for commercial production)


I would much rather patronize a breeder that is moral and honest and never has to say it.


This, my friend, is why I bailed on it. :slight_smile:

I made about a quarter million a year coming up with ideas like:

  • Let’s pay a child psychologist to talk about kids’ self-esteem being improved by seeing their artwork printed out and hung on the fridge. . . in order to MY CLIENT’S PRINTER INK. ~50 million impressions.

  • Let’s get a travel expert talking on radio/tv on Dec. 15ish about how to score cheap last minute holiday airfares. The expert’s script included this: “If you’re a businessman, pick a hotel with a good office center, with products like MY CLIENT’S HANDY PRODUCT.” ~160 million impressions

  • Stood in front of board rooms and said, “Look, you can’t just SAY good shit. You have do DO good shit.” And got tons of non-profits and community organizations millions of dollars and volunteers that way. That’s a win. :slight_smile:

One of the ways in which I try to redeem myself these days is, I volunteer to teach media savviness to kids (which is something I first did with my OWN daughter when she was like 4 lol).

Also, I’m helping the guys who run OG with their partner/sponsor program, so that the partners who come here engage with you guys productively. My goal there? I make sure that YOU get value and truth, and the SPONSOR gets customers and an improved reputation. Win-win, all in the name of a good cause.


This is where my old ass has ended up, buddy. Good heart = good intentions = good effort = good outcome.

You cannot fool this process and you cannot game it.


very well-said, imho. i totally get this.


I do like the way you think. Why do we (as a country, etc.) allow advertising directly to children. . .at all?

It’s sorta fucked up, actually.

And I say this as a guy who fundamentally believes in advertising, marketing, freedom of speech, capitalism. . .


I feel like we need major major reform on advertising of 18+ content, but I mean MAJOR changes. Little changes on what and how we restrict are missing the point. Name and flavor restrictions are merely distractions, disclaimer statements provide negative value.

Personally I believe we need full stop AD BAN in print, television, radio, web except for 18+, billboards, and any other format for alcohol, tobacco, pot, prostitution, and gambling. Prohibition is stupid, but so is advertising things are verified as bad for society.

Just ban the ads, not the things.

For web 18+ we need to move away from ad-hoc verification thru accounts per platform and simply flag every under 18 device. We created the whole internet and put people on the moon, but refure to find the guts to make hard decisions.

Banning menthols totally misses the point.


fair. can we advertise tv, when couch sitting leads to obesity? how about video games? who decides what is bad for society? what if i think religion and politics is bad for society?


This site is proof that Marketing of Religion and Politics is the problem. There are devoutly religious folk here and , as you say political zealots that will eviscerate anyone . The fact that we set it aside and find common ground as a discourse makes us different from your usual gumps.