Cannabis going mainstream: are we marketing to kids?

Huh? I don’t understand how it’s related. But hey, after seeing your comment, I just got up to speed on the Snowhigh shitshow and believe me: I stay far away from that kind of shit. I wouldn’t buy a GD toaster on social media, period. I’m sure as hell not going send some rando on IG a few benjamins for weed seeds. :laughing:

I HAD a teenaged daughter, man. . . my drama and angst days are over. :joy:

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Globally speaking would a brand called biscuits have the same stigma in America as it would in England? Naming something a thing that doesn’t translate culturally could be confusing to the consumer. I know im not smoking some shit called biscuits.


Joe Camel has entered the chat


that sounds like an EXCELLENT exchange.

exactly. however, joe camel was not nearly as manly as the marlboro cowboy.
not unlike all the beer ads too… cute talking frogs. hot babes.


How about we get the industry to stop using poisons and pesticides first? We can worry about the name game later because when the health affects of those pesticides gets out it will be attribute to marijuana instead of the pesticides.

THEN that will be used as a “protect the children” argument. Lets head that part off first.


Weather it is or isn’t marketed to kids. It is our job as parents to be open and honest with our kids about cannabis. Especially as growers we know the truth about this plant more than anyone.

We can’t “protect” our children. Children are just adults in training so one day they will make there own decisions.

Names don’t mater. Kids aren’t dumb. We should worry about what’s going on in our house holds first and let the world do what it’s gonna do. It’s our job to educated our children.


IDK, I keep the smoking out of my son’s reach, he is 10. And usually I’m against smoke in public. But I’m old fashioned and I guess the less ways to choose the better, if kids have to go some way they will go eventually but I don’t want no one saying it was from my bad example.
And yes, I limit myselft to do many thing because of smoking, where I am still illegal and I can’t afford to be a bad role model.
Appart from the beneficts it is a limitation, I felt that during confinement living in a appartment without room for a secure grow space, wasn’t the best picture.

Now weed has it maketing, the 420 culture and all are marketing stuff around weed.

I think we can’t overthink things like this. Weed isn’t for everybody and so we souldn’t be worried about the pot marketing, we should be worried with alcohol marketing, flew pills marketing and other stuff that should be advised by professionals instead of having their marketing on.

About childreen and weed marketing, raise your kids well and it won’t be a problem, even if they arrive home smelling weed won’t be a problem. But this is adult stuff and we see kids playing adut all the time so Barbie has a car and not one 8 year old girl is driving a convertible so…Play figures have guns and swords but kids don’t run like that and at some point even kids understand better the concept of playing adult or being adult while we are adults and had lost that play concept and take all very personal.

I feel fine about weed marketing, a headshop will always look better than a sexshop. :rofl:


my two cents is… i seen a news article the other day…

we’re living in kid’s world where people don’t grow up; we just become older children. not all of us of course, there’s no absolutes…

the name of the cannabis is not the issue at all, as i see it. you can call it rainbow sprinkles and that doesn’t change a thing for me or anyone i know. dank is dank, regardless of it’s name. if it’s good the people want it. if it’s bunk, they don’t. the name is really the least important part of the game.

i remember the days of “i got some smoke” before it turned into “highs, mids, & lows” and now it’s “cookies, kush, or banger” … they’ll come up with something new and then we can discuss the merits of the new words. in the end it’s the same story it always has been.

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I started smoking weed back in 1970 when I was 15 years old. I wouldn’t have cared if it was named Blueberry Muffins or Rotting Corpse Skunk. As a matter of fact I might have been more drawn to the name Rotting Corpse Skunk. If a kid wants to get high they will get high.


Sure, if they are prone to it they will get there, but one thing is following your father steps other is reach the gold alone and think of this as a good addiction.

I just got myselft wondering how it would be if when I started smoking weed it was legal, be able to carry it and smoke it without stress or paranoia, I would maybe have been different in every way.

My son will try with me and the effect will be the usual, on him and the usual on me. He will be a beguinner and I am experienced, he sure will say it is good, because it is, but he may don’t like it and never tuch it again, either way if my son comes and tell me that weed makes him less stressed and more stable, why not? that’s why I use it!

The toys kids have these days! :sunglasses:

@navy66 kind of off the main course there and suffering badly for it. The main bent of this place is sharing the seeds. Purportedly. Marketers and sellers for the most part are in the ‘weeds’ lurking to snatch their prey. It was a worthy attempt nevertheless. I see your point but as some have pointed out it is an adult only product.

As for the observation/guesstimate that 12% of the general populace consumes, I think it a bit low when considering the edibles and vape markets added in.


I so agree with most if not all of this, thank you

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TLDR: I’m not the soul less marketing asshole. Here’s a clarification about what I’ve done, do, and want. I think I said, “I help people sell” and that made a lot of people very uncomfortable and suspicious immediately. My mistake. I think some OG managers/owners can even attest to much of what I wrote.

When I say something like “I help people sell stuff by helping them get attention,” this is just a poor man’s way of saying “marketing” or “PR.” Which I understand is kind of a dirty (for lack of better word) thing.

I didn’t want that career. When I was a college student and got my GF pregnant, she got ill and said she couldn’t work. I was mid-degree at a good college and had to drop out. Marketing/PR was all I had. I didn’t want to lose that degree, but I did, cause I had to earn the money.

When her mom abandoned her (literally) as a teen, I was on duty, full time. There was no “changing careers” for me anymore. Plus, I was good at marketing and it was paying her bills.

But don’t confuse “selling” with “scamming.” I was working with big companies, brand names, etc.

When I left Silicon Valley, I left technology marketing altogether. I was making bank but it was soul less work. I wanted to use my skills to help real people connect with real stuff, to get attention for worthy causes, etc. Not selling printers, or servers, or modems, or storage area networks, etc.

Thanks to views on age, etc., industry has gotten tired of this old guy, too.

I’m a guy who started a reputable business, but everyone here knows what I’m talking about – my trichomes are amber and done. lol

You know when good, reputable vendors come and want to sponsor something, or provide some content and deals, or whatever? Even the good ones sometimes don’t know what they are doing. I help them.

I didn’t COME to OG to do this. lol I came to OG to learn how to grow my own weed! Period.

Then I kinda fell in love, so I wrote to Joe and said, “Hey, I have this skill set and if you want to use it for OG, I will volunteer my time.”

It was an informal thing, and it was just me trying to help out here. I don’t have seeds. I don’t have much knowledge at all about it. I fully admit that. lol

But when I say I “help people sell,” that means I help them engage HONESTLY. You’ve seen the vendors that come here and sort of botch what they’re trying to do? Yes, I might be able to help them.

If I can help them be successful here, they will keep sending Joe money for OG. :slight_smile:

If they keep sending Joe money and successfully engaging with you all here, OG gets better and better, and you guys keep getting whatever goodness you are getting. :slight_smile:

That doesn’t mean I work for ANYONE. I’ve always exercised the right to tell a client to fuck off, whether because of their personnel or their reputation or the sketchy product.

I am more of an advocate for consumers like you than companies I work with.

Selling it part of life. It always has been, and always will be.

Today, I choose to focus my energies on growing weed, writing, volunteering any time Joe or anyone here requests my help, etc.

I think some people think I help IGers or others sell seeds. Some people think I’m steering the convos here for my own benefit. Or for business research.

Those honestly are all wrong. I can’t prove it to anyone, but I can tell you that this will match exactly what I have communicated directly to @LemonadeJoe and @zephyr and others here.

I raised the issue of marketing on this board. Huge mistake. My mistake, clearly. I’m one of the few who is trying to do it with a conscience, for the actual betterment of people and society.

I didn’t leave a fat salary mid-career to help somebody sell some seeds.

But the point is this: I have the skills, and if I can make them benefit this community, I will do that.

I wrote to Joe the second I decided on that.

If I EVER work with ANY vendor for ANY reason, everyone will know. It will be in my signature. It the public sphere/online, my name is STILL associated with the products I represented.

When I ask random questions about marketing to kids, or this or that, I’m just asking about stuff that – as a tech marketer – I never really had to think about. That was my dad hat and stoner hat speaking.

Anyway, this is my story. I’m really bummed some people have decided I’m a bad guy because of this marketing thing. (I get it that I can sometimes be abrasive, but I am generally not – I like all discussion, and only get personal when I start getting personally targeted, imo.)

But honestly, this is my truth. I shake my head a little, because that offer to the OG mgmt was totally legit and well-intentioned and everything.

In fact, I am pretty sure @LemonadeJoe would tell you that I wrote to him with SEVERAL crazy ideas, all designed to help OG. :slight_smile:

I’ve worked VERY hard to be a good member here, and courteous, and encouraging all types of answers and thinking (usually). If I know I am being a dick or rude or whatever, I will be the first to admit it, apologize, etc. I ain’t perfect – but I don’t believe I’m the arrogant asshole some here might paint me as.

That’s me. I’m sorry if I freaked people out. I read that Snowhigh thread last night and realized that people here may think that THAT is the kind of selling I’m talking about.

Truthfully, most of the PR or marketing that BIG brands do is pretty safe and banal – they’ve got WAY too much to lose. It’s the little vendors/clients I have to watch more.

The Snowhigh story? Wow. That was a debacle. I don’t know what happened, other than the fact that a lot of people got screwed and a major influencer/business owner/breeder dropped off the radar entirely.

That isn’t a PR problem. That’s an honesty problem. Theoretically, they could call a person like me and say, “Help us get our reputation back.”

Most PR people in Silicon Valley will say, “Sure, just give me $20K up front and we’ll start the campaign.”

What would I say? “You need to explain everything to everyone. You need to give back money and seeds, etc. You need to grovel a little. You need to be transparent with your customers. And, I will need to see every “special” or “offer” you’re going to make, in advance. THEN, we’ll start moving forward.”

That guy? Yeah, industry doesn’t want him anymore.

Love you all, keep chillin.

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Let’s talk about marketing as a whole rather than marketing you do? I think you’re making this a little too personal which can make it really difficult for others to have their opinions heard.


Totally agree, DST. I’ll step off a bit now. I just wanted to spend a little time clarifying my own story, since I’m the guy here on OG and I think I communicated poorly about what I do/want. I do take it kinda personally, but I am not gonna blame anyone or anything else for that. But I hear you. (Marketing sucks, though. The only marketing any product should need is its own value and utility. If you need a ton of help selling, you have a bigger problem. 2 cents.)

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I completely agree. I live in a legal state and I still do not and will never openly smoke around my children. In fact for me its an after everyone is in bed activity. I don’t want to make them thanks just because dad does it that it must be okay.

I Will not support despeceriers in my area, I do not trust the products once big business gets involved. Just look at tobacco. It will happen to cannabis if it already hasn’t.

I grow my own and only smoke it if i know who grew it personally. Encourage every smoker I know to do the same because for me my grow is more my medicine than the consumption ever will be.
I’m lucky to be in a state that allows it.

Someday our children will be old enough to make an educated decision for themselves. Like I said l, forget wilhat the rest of the country is doing, cannibis marketing is the least of my worriers when it comes to our youth.

Most of the the people marketing this haven’t ever lade hands on a live plant.


Your whole campaign is ridiculous kids are not allowed inside dispensaries… what do you care what’s the name of the weed sold inside if kids can’t see it? If you’re a good parent first you shouldn’t let them see your bag of weed with name skittles on it second you should be more worried about educating and disciplining your kids…

Whose campaign? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :slight_smile:

(waiting for it. . .)

Reading through this thread reminded me that it’s been too long since I listened to some Bill Hicks :headphones:

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