Cannabis Inspired Art

I think that putting the words “happy” and “Gary Busey” in the same sentence broke it’s algorithm!


Thanks so much! I tried one…nothing was near what I wrote…but maybe I was just having an “off” day…


Red and black ink sketchings at work.

AI art




This is a one off - Future episodes of the Graphic Novel inspired by @Heliosphear will be posted on The Monster Mash and Rhai88 & Friends… Games, Giveaways, and more! threads. Original Images can be viewed on The Monster Mash thread …
This is about as Cannabis Inspired as it gets :wink:
Page One Preview:

Episode One of “Frank In Space: An OverGrow Space Drama” available below
FrankInSpace_E1.pdf (771.8 KB)
THANKS OG & @Heliosphear

Dang you folks have some talent going on … thanks for sharing it! Amazing work!
This isn’t my art, but it is my edit AND cannabis related and small enough to share :v:



Thanks to @Heliosphear for the original pic.


Awwww yeah @leafeater I love it! Saved.

Here are some others to work with, looking forward to seeing what you do with them.



Heliosphear, it’s just impossible to post old random concept of rave flyers after that lmao
“Look Rembrandt ! I known how to make a smiley in four shots !” I’ve not the guts.


“ I think anytime you can affect people in general, in a positive way, then you’re a lucky individual.” Sam E.

Have a great Sunday. :sunglasses:


Complex PTSD related artwork. Trying to screw my head back on straight.

Rights reserved!


Your octopus looks angry, I hope the art is helping. Writing is another good way to bring emotions up to the surface as a therapy as it takes longer to exspress those feelings than just thinking and talking about them.

I am curiouse why you chose an octopus if you care to share :thinking:


I could explain but I’d rather let the art to the talking. You could always explore your knowledge on Octopus and go from there, it’ll probably lead you to some very valuable answers that could very well be true as to why I chose the octo.


Yeah I know a bit about octopi which is why I was curious. I used to be a psychotherapist so I see a lot of symbolism in people’s art.

Have you watched the documentary My Octopus Teacher I think it was on Netflix, it was very good.


Wanna become my online one and hear me out? Cause I think you’re gonna regret not being paid for it in the end. I can share my stories but I doubt it would help you appreciate my art more and also if it would help me right now with the thing I made it for.

If talking and thinking were the mainstay of therapy I would have been cured a long time ago. Not saying talking isn’t very much important. But feeling and creating are stronger catalysts to positive change for me right now. Talking too, but I’m better off sharing with my wife and intimates for real positive caring interaction.


Some things work better for some but not all, one of the reasons I stopped being a psychotherapist. There are better tools that don’t have the possibilities of creating a worse problem for the client. The type I was doing was Free memory association under hypnosis to bring repressed traumatic memories back into consciousness so they can be re evaluated and better understood.

Unfortunately when these unconscious repressed traumatic memories surface they can also have a devastating effect on family relationships.

If I were going to practice again it would probably be as a NLP practitioner. Neuro Luiguistic Programing is extremely effective, fast and the client does not need to re experience the repressed trauma to change their psycho emotional state and heal. You may have an NLP practitioner near you, and if you want to checkmit out more you can find NLP info on YouTube, look for Dr Richard Bandler, he is very smart.

I would be happy to offer self help information that will have a positive effect on your emotional state. You may be doing these already so I hope these may be of use.

Check out the Wimm Hoff breathing technique on YouTube it is very powerful for re setting the autonomic nervous system, you may be stuck in a permanent fight or flight state, this breathing technique will re sett you back to default, when practiced regularly, it also boosts your immune system and deeply oxygenates the body.

Get a vitamin and mineral check done to see where you may be difficient, a lot of anxiety can be caused from a lack of vits and mins also start eating really healthily if you are not already.

Look into Microdosing with shrooms and lions mane mushrooms.


Never mind the static, enjoy the art.



Thanks again to @Heliosphear for the original pic.