Cannabis Inspired Art

Kinda like Skeletor with a flaming skull head.


So like Ghost Rider?



Perfect, should have a first draft by Friday. Have a great night, be good to yourself.


@Shadey @SonsOfAvery Walk in the park for Steve @getmooretattoos… (not my piece)


great work, imma dinosaur we didn’t have vehicles LOL


That looks impressive, he did an amazing job.


I shall rely on your creative insight.


I got to thinking about this comment. If your bottom layers are thicker consistency than the layers above, the thin will stick to the thick. Every layer that he puts on is slightly thinner than the last. When he plans an even blend of two colors on the same plane they are mixed at consistent thickness.
I hope you do try another one. I’d like to see your work.


That makes sense, I will have to remember not to go back at it with thick paint in the detail stuff, not much chance of doing any oil painting atm, just about to start a Tshirt, then I have 4 chefs aprons to do, the 2 I did for my daughter and her boyfriend last Christmas, some friends saw them and really liked them so they are getting some this year.


She’s always by my side momalag said she’s to go for it

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@Cannasaurusrex :rofl: ok I’ll work out a Dino and Fred flints one car for yah. :slightly_smiling_face:
@Northern_Loki OK so a dragon that plays saxophone with fire shooting out and drives a Yugo. :sunglasses:
@Papalag roger that tower, back in the day I usta draw BOG at his cave entrance in Montana, then I moved to a little bus, we would drive around and visit OG’s grows, I would draw characters hanging out the bus window. Sometimes bog drove sometimes it was Trixie sometimes it was Aquaman or grandma’s penis, the man from Nantucket, What? I didn’t name them :joy: it all happened on OG at trixy’s cafe in the smokers lounge. So I was thinking we turn the OG bus into multi character transport.

Almost done with this one, doing fine line hair work and some shading, then moving to Mrs. DougD’s much cooler mod ATV :rofl:


Well Yabba Dabba Doo bie, I wish I could draw better than a stick man. Cool work.


Great story btw! I’ve got my own version of it w/ 85-foot cliff jumps in abandoned quarry but there’s no pretty girl to hug, just my loser guy friends and getting $100 tickets for trespassing :smile:

also one of the times I woke up the next day with horrible whiplash pain in my neck like a car crash. A buddy massively bruised his arms from sticking them out at the last second.


Banging the dust off after a little while with something cathartic. Fun just to create, especially after the right weed haha.


Thank you, the jump that hurt the most for me is when I didn’t keep my feet together, did I split underwater and couldn’t swim to surface right away, was scary and painful… was my last jump.

Here’s my BOG4 life video, enjoy OG’s

My server is slow to load, because there is cannabis in this one YouTube age restricted.

@Pigeonman face is complete, beginning rest of character, I’ll keep you updated.

@Kyumonryu nice! Sitting here smokin the right bud :sunglasses: looks awesome! Thank you for sharing.


F%^& YEAH!!! :fist:

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Jabba’s lair looks like it’s always popping off, not sure I approve of the women in chains though… unless it’s Alice of course


Ok here is a character I created for a comic book. Only did the one lol. It goes with your theme quite well.

I hope this is enough for you.


Excellent! Thank you for sharing, I absolutely love it. What form of transportation would you like?

I heading over to the What stoners eat cooking and baking thread to put together a trailer for the OG movie about how we all have things in common. Breaking bread together, sharing what we do besides grow cannabis. After that a garden’s of wonder trailer, flowers, vegetables and rare exotics. I can’t draw characters for every OG so I going to try a new way of tagging the photos used to give credit to those OG’s pics.

Some dishes from the what’s cooking on OverGrow will be seen in the OG jam sesh.


Being a biker at heart, it has to be a hover bike or trike, with twin thrusters if you want to do something different lol.

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