Cannabis Inspired Art

I’d love to produce some art for someone to use on seed packs and other items or maybe some t-shirts.

image strong text[quote=“RuamadraTheBard, post:1, topic:44355, full:true”]
Hello all overgrowers! Cannabis fuels my life in many ways, most of all my art! Let’s share our cannabis inspired or cannabis fueled artistry of any kind for all to see. I will kick it off with something cannabis helped me co-create.



Thank you @BU2B I’m moving into more artist use of AI.

OMBuds! @Solowolf your back!!! Good to see you, artwork looking real good.

@Pawsfodocaws excellent work!


Lol! I’m still rocking the two turntables and a microphone :microphone: ! You can thank @MonsterDrank for pulling me back in and getting me extra addicted to buying seeds again. I can’t believe you were able to find that drawing you made! :laughing: I love it!)


Thanks brother


I hope everyone is having a good day.
This short video was made in After Effects.


@Solowolf I hope you are not too much of a Solo Wolf. I am very interested in doing the same things, If you would like to collaborate on some projects I think that would be fun. I am also hoping to do some collaboration with @Heliosphear in the near future.
If you are so inclined, send me a PM with your ideas and we can discuss each other’s talents as well as strengths and weaknesses.


That’s really kind of you to reach out. I will pm you. Just wanted to show public thanks for such a nice gesture. :pray:t3:


A little canna-graff style.


Do you all prefer Will Rock or Chris Smith?


@Solowolf Will Rock, this way he can slap himself silly.

This is a composite of 2 pics @Heliosphear provided. I can’t really call it a collaboration most of the work was provided by him. I really just had the vision and tweaked things a little. This is as far as I was able to take this project, my inspiration ran out. I think it is need of something else, I just don’t know what. If anyone has an idea or gets inspired feel free to take this project further. I would love to hear what others see or envision.


@leafeater I love the video you made, I would like to request your approval to make it the opener for the Cannabis Cultivation Network promo video.

@Solowolf I am so happy to see yah, made some pictures for yah. Please let me know if you find any of these to your liking and I will work on making it even mo’better.

Have a great weekend OG’s :sunglasses:


Bing Does Bongs with DALL-E on the Edge:

AI Cannabis Inspired Art from your Web Browser - It can’t understand how to make words but it can understand words enough to make an image from your description. The more methodically descriptive you are within the word limit - the better the image.


@Heliosphear I would be honored if you could use the video in a project.
Thank you for thinking of me.


Dude! @Heliosphear Thank you so much! Each one is awesome.I gotta say numbers 3, 14, 16 and 21 jump out at me with it being hard to decide if I like the photo realistic ones or the cartoon ones better. The multiple colors of the cartoons might have a slight edge. Thank you :pray:t3: for the good vibes! It’s great to reconnect over here again!
Here’s a little quirk that may reveal some shocking information about the Antichrist and the true identity of the Prince of Darkness. I thought it might be funny to create a picture of Bob Ross holding a picture of Satan. The results are actually frightening. In the AI app Wonder, no matter what you do, it results in a picture of Bob Ross holding a picture of Bob Ross. So, I guess I’m going to make a pilgrimage to his grave and light a bunch of those religious candles and chop a rooster’s head off to sprinkle the blood upon his evil headstone 🪦 and ask to win the lottery!


That’s is so weird!
The first pic looks like he’s holding a pic of John C Reiley dressed as Bob Ross and the last one looks like Josh Brolin dressed as Bob Ross. :joy:


@Solowolf You made me laugh out loud for real with this one! :rofl:

Reverse your input: “ picture of Bob Ross as the devil, being presented by Bob Ross
The prospect of Bob Ross being the devil is Hilarious! :laughing: Thank you SoloWolf

@BU2B Sweet Bong Pics! The most difficult thing to put into AI Pictures are words, phrases and so on. I went to AI and asked directly to the Chat “How to make text appear correctly in Midjourney AI”:
Here are some tips on how to get text correctly spelled into your pictures using Midjourney AI:

  1. Use a reference image. This is the best way to ensure that the text is spelled correctly. You can use a screenshot of a word from a document or website, or you can even create your own reference image using a drawing program.
  2. Use a specific prompt. When you are generating an image with text, be sure to use a specific prompt that includes the text you want to appear in the image. For example, if you want to generate an image of a cat with the text “Hello, my name is Mittens,” you could use the prompt “A cat with the text ‘Hello, my name is Mittens’.”
  3. Use the remix feature. If the text is not spelled correctly, you can use the remix feature to try again. To do this, click on the “Remix” button and then change the prompt slightly. For example, you could change the prompt from “A cat with the text ‘Hello, my name is Mittens’” to “A cat with the text ‘Hello, my name is Mittens’ in a comic book style.”
  4. Be patient. It may take a few tries to get the text spelled correctly. Don’t give up if you don’t get it right away.

Here are some additional tips for using Midjourney AI to generate images with text:

  • Use a simple font. The simpler the font, the easier it will be for the AI to generate the text correctly.
  • Use a large font size. The larger the font size, the easier it will be for the AI to generate the text correctly.
  • Use a white background. A white background will help the AI to generate the text more clearly.

I hope these tips help you to get text correctly spelled into your pictures using Midjourney AI.

I am currently working with this knowledge to get a better picture, starting with “OverGrow” and “CCN”, will post the results.

@leafeater Do you have other video’s?

Got some gardening to do, taking a bong break.

Have a super awesome Saturday!





That’s awesome!!! The demon wolf can probably scratch better than me!